why “liberal” can sound like “upper-class”

In an article reporting The New York Times‘ recent battleground state polls, Lisa Lerer and Ruth Igielnik quote Jonathan Ball, a Michigan floor-installer: [He] said he believed Mr. Trump would do more to help working Americans than Ms. Harris. “I think she’s more liberal. I just don’t think she’s all for the middle class,” said Mr. Ball, […]

Social class in the 2024 UK general election

UK election results by social class

One of my obsessions is the social-class inversion that has been visible in several countries in the 21st century, in which parties of the left draw their strongest support from highly educated, “professional” voters and those on the right appeal best to the working class. Under those circumstances, left parties will block bold economic initiatives […]

an abundance agenda

Not for the clashing of sabres, For carnage nor for strife;But songs to thrill the hearts of men With more abundant life.– from Songs for the People by Frances Ellen Watkins Harper To become a more just and sustainable society, we must produce a lot. For instance, to improve affordability and address homelessness, we need […]

the classical liberals versus the “egoists”

There is a live conflict between principled classical liberals, who believe in sacrificing for anyone’s individual liberties, and people who might endorse Ayn Rand’s “egoism” (believing that only one’s own interests should count). The latter easily degenerates into authoritarianism when people view other citizens’ behavior as the main threat to their interests.