Peter Levine
Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship and Public Service and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University
Barnum Hall, Tufts University, Medford, MA 020155; 617-627 2302
Oxford University, Balliol College: doctorate in philosophy, Rhodes Scholar (1992)
Yale University: B.A. in philosophy, Summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa, distinction in the major (1989)
Awards and Honors
- American Political Science Association’s Civic Engagement Section, Established Leader Award (2022)
- Tufts University Dean’s Medal for service to the university (2021)
- City of Cambridge (MA) Sidewalk Poetry Prize for “When the Lotus Bloomed” (2020)
- Alpheus Henry Snow Prize, for the “senior who, through the combination of intellectual achievement, character, and personality, shall be adjudged by the
faculty to have done the most for Yale” (1989) - Rhodes Scholarship (1988)
- Jacob Cooper Prize for the best essay in ancient philosophy by a Yale graduate or undergraduate student (1986; again in 1988)
- Andrew White Prize in European History at Yale (1987)
- E. Francis Riggs Prize at Yale “for demonstrating the best knowledge of general culture” (1986)
Tufts University:
- Academic Dean, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship & Public Service (2018-present): responsible for the academic mission of Tisch College, the undergraduate Major in Civic Studies, and various research projects involving the College.
- Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship & Public Affairs (2012-present).
- Full professor, Department of Political Science (2017-present)
- Other Tufts appointments: Department of Philosophy (since 2012); Tufts Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (2017-present); Science and Technology Studies (since 2018); International Relations (since 2019)
- Associate Dean for Research, Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship & Public Service (2014- 2018).
- Director of CIRCLE, The Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement (2008-2015)
- Stanford University, Hoover Institution, Visiting Scholar (Jan. 1-Dec. 31, 2025, mostly remote)
- Harvard Kennedy School, Ash Institute, Democratic Governance Program: visitor (January-June 2022)
- Johns Hopkins: Visiting Research Professor in the SNF Agora Institute in the Zanvyl Krieger School of Arts and Sciences (July 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020, remote)
- University of Maryland: Deputy Director of CIRCLE (2001-2005), Director of CIRCLE (2006-2008), Research Scholar, Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy (1993-2008). I was also an affiliate faculty member of the Philosophy Department and a member of the University’s Committee on Philosophy, Politics, and Public Policy.
- National Commission on Civic Renewal: Deputy Director (half-time role in 1997 and 1998). The Commission was chaired by Hon. William Bennett and Senator Sam Nunn, and funded by the Pew Charitable Trusts.
- Common Cause: Research Associate and registered federal lobbyist (1991-1993)
- Harold Rosenthal Fellow in International Relations, placed at USAID, summer 1989
Organizational Leadership
Fiduciary boards
- Everyday Democracy (formerly Paul J. Aicher Foundation), Director (2009-present)
- AmericaSPEAKS, Director (2006-13)
- Discovering Justice, board member(2013-present)
- Charles F. Kettering Foundation, Trustee (2004-present; program committee chair 2012-14)
- Newspaper Association of America Foundation, Trustee (2007- 2009)
- Street Law, Inc., Director (2004-present)
Steering committees
- National Academy of Education (NAEd) Steering Committee on Civic Reasoning and Discourse (2019-)
- Educating for American Democracy Project, funded by National Endowment for the Humanities and US Dept. of Education: Co-Principal Investigator (2019-21); Implementation Consortium steering committee member (2021-)
- CivXNow, advisory council, formerly Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, executive committee (2003-present; chair 2003-6)
- Deliberative Democracy Consortium, co-founder and executive committee (2002-2020)
- National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP) Civics Standing Committee (2008-2013; 2014-present) and NAEP Background Variables Committee (2008-2010)
- Council of Chief State School Officers committee drafting voluntary Common Core State Standards for the Social Studies; Chair of the Civics Committee (2011-12)
- National Alliance for Civic Education (NACE); co-founder (2000-2008)
Other non-fiduciary boards: AAA&S Defining Civic Culture Working Group (2023); Advisory Group to Convergence and Interfaith America on Service and Bridging (2023); America’s Promise Research Council; Advisory Board; American Bar Association Standing Committee on Public Education Advisory Commission (2005-9); eJournal of Public Affairs (since 2011); MTV’s Democracy Class (early 2000s; Maryland Task Force on Civic Literacy (gubernatorial appointment, 2006-9); Generation Citizen; Fair Vote Research Advisory Committee; iCivics (since 2014); The Democracy Imperative (University of New Hampshire); National Advisory Board for Public Service at Harvard College (since 2014); Obama Campaign Education Policy Committee (March 2007-November 2008) and Urban Policy Committee (May 2008-November 2008); Cambridge University’s Forum for Youth Participation & Democracy International Advisory Group (2011-14); Center for Engaged Democracy, Merrimack College (since 2012); Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement Action Network Steering Committee (since 2012); Council of the American Commonwealth Partnership (since 2012); National Academy of Education Commission on Civic Reasoning & Discourse (2019-20); Nonprofit Vote (ca. 2010-2022); Youth Service America Academic Council (2012-2018); California Civic Engagement Project (since 2012); Campus Election Engagement Project (2013-2018); Millennial Action Project (since 2013); CivicLEADS (since 2015); Civic Influencers (since 2021).
Tufts committees: Vice Provost’s Research Council, University College Faculty, Priority Area Reseaerch Group on Equity (co-PI); Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHaT) board, the Data Intensive Studies Center (DISC) advisory board; COVID-19 Research Steering Committee; University College Faculty; Bridging Differences initiative; Scholarship Committee (Rhodes, Marshall, Fulbright); Scholars at Risk Committee. Search committees for Tufts’ Provost, Vice Provost for Research, Vice Provost for Faculty, Dean of Arts & Sciences, Dean of Tisch College, and Director of the Data Intensive Studies Center (DISC).
Student leadership: Yale College Council (undergraduate student government): vice president (1986-7) and president (1987-8). Focused on issues of community service and civic engagement, participating in some of the national discussions that led to the Points of Light initiative and then AmeriCorps, and working with others to begin a paid summer service program for Yale undergraduates.
As sole author
- What Should We Do? A Theory of Civic Life (Oxford University Press, 2022)
- We are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For: The Promise of Civic Renewal in America (Oxford University Press, 2013)
- Reforming the Humanities: Literature and Ethics from Dante through Modern Times (Palgrave Macmillan, 2009)
- The Future of Democracy: Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens (Tufts University Press, 2007).
- The New Progressive Era: Toward a Fair and Deliberative Democracy (Rowman & Littlefield, 2000)
- Living Without Philosophy: On Narrative, Rhetoric, and Morality (Albany: SUNY Press, 1998)
- Something to Hide, a novel (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1996)
- Nietzsche and the Modern Crisis of the Humanities (Albany: SUNY Press, 1995)
Edited works
- Special Issue of The Good Society (the journal of Civic Studies) on “Reintegrating Facts, Values, and Strategies,” vol. 26, no. 2-3 (2017)
- Peter Levine and Karol Edward Soltan, eds., Civic Studies: Approaches to the Emerging Field (American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2014)
- James Youniss and Peter Levine, eds., Engaging Young People in Civic Life (Vanderbilt University Press, 2009)
- John Gastil and Peter Levine, eds., The Deliberative Democracy Handbook: Strategies for Effective Civic Engagement in the Twenty-First Century (Jossey-Bass, 2005). Mandarin translation, Taiwan, 2012; Japanese translation, 2013; Korean translation, 2019
Special project
The Anachronist, a 75,000-word work of interactive fiction, published in The Florida Review, July 2018.
Peer-reviewed scholarly articles
(Sole authored by Peter Levine unless otherwise noted.)
- “People are not Points in Space: Network Models of Beliefs and Discussions.” Critical Review, 1–27 (2024)
- Elyssa Anneser, Peter Levine, Kevin J. Lane, & Laura Corlin, “Climate stress and anxiety, environmental context, and civic engagement: A nationally representative study, Journal of Environmental Psychology (2023)
- “Politics by Other Means: Civic Education in a Time of Controversy,” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 705(1), Nov. 2023, 24-38
- “The Democratic Mission of Higher Education: A Review Essay,” Political Science Quarterly, Volume 139, Issue 1, Spring 2024, pp. 95–105
- “Boredom at the Border of Philosophy: Conceptual and Ethical Issues.” Frontiers in Sociology, July 2023
- Anneser E, Stopka TJ, Naumova EN, Spangler KR, Lane KJ, Acevedo A, Griffiths JK, Lin Y, Levine P, Corlin L. Environmental equity and COVID-19 experiences in the United States: Results from three survey waves of a nationally representative study conducted between 2020-2022. medRxiv [Preprint]. 2023 May 17:2023.05.16.23290050. doi: 10.1101/2023.05.16.23290050. PMID: 37293071; PMCID: PMC10246057.
- “Mapping Ideologies as Networks of Ideas,” Journal of Political Ideologies, 2022 10.1080/13569317.2022.2138293
- Tan, Yuanru, Binrui Yang, Brendan Eagan and Peter Levine (2022) “Using Ordered Network Analysis to Visualize Ideologies in Political Survey Data” (poster). International Conference on Quantitative Ethnography, Copenhagen, October.
- Levine, P., & Abromowitz, D. (2022) Challenges Reported by Candidates for Local Office. State and Local Government, vol. 55, issue 2.
- Acevedo A, Feng W, Corlin L, Allen JD, Levine P, Stopka TJ (2022) Experiences with and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic by substance use disorder in the early phase of pandemic in the United States: A cross-sectional survey, 2020. PLoS ONE 17(7): e0271788.
- “Social Movements and Stakeholder Engagement,” in D. Lerner, M.E. Palm, T.W. Concannon (eds) Broadly Engaged Team Science in Clinical and Translational Research. Springer, 2022, pp. 67-74.
- Thomas J. Stopka, Wenhui Feng, Laura Corlin, Erin King, Jayanthi Mistry, Wendy Mansfield, Ying Wang, Peter Levine & Jennifer D. Allen, “Assessing equity in health, wealth, and civic engagement: a nationally representative survey, United States, 2020,” International Journal for Equity in Health (2022) 21:12
- Porteny, T., Corlin, L., Allen, J.D. , Monahan, K. Acevedo, A., Stopka, T, Levine, P. and Ladin, K. Associations among political voting preference, high-risk health status, and preventative behaviors for COVID-19. BMC Public Health 22, 225 (2022).
- “Political Thought as Networks of Ideas,” conference paper for “Coexisting in a Pluralist Society” (Institute for Humane Studies, May 28-29, 2021), revised subsequently for potential publication
- “Individuals’ Ideologies as Networks” (poster), American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Sept 30-Oct 3, 2021
- “Deliberation as an Epistemic Network: A Method for Analyzing Discussion,” with Brendan Eagan & David Williamson Shaffer, in Barbara Wasson and Szilvia Zörg? (Eds.), Advances in Quantitative Ethnography, proceedings of the Third International Conference, ICQE 2021 Virtual Event, November 6–11, 2021 (Springer Switzerland, 2022), pp. 17-33.
- Saskia Eschenbacher and Peter Levine, “Reconsidering the Roots of Transformative Education: Habermas and Mezirow,” in The Palgrave Handbook of Learning for Transformation (Cham, Switzerland, 2022), pp. 45-58
- “Preface,” PS: Political Science & Politics symposium on Civically Engaged Research (2021), 1-4 (with Amy Cabrera Rasmussen, Robert Lieberman, Valeria Sinclair-Chapman & Rogers Smith)
- “The Health and Housing Study: Nutrition-Related Outcomes Among Low- to Moderate-Income Individuals Living in or Seeking to Live in New Subsidized Chinatown-Based Housing” (with Ana Maafs-Rodríguez, Jennifer Pust, Mehreen Ismail, Laurie Goldman, Angie Liou, & Virginia Chomitz), poster, American Society for Nutrition, June 2021
- Carolyn L Rubin, Virginia R. Chomitz, Carolyn Woo, Giles Li, Susan Koch-Weser, and Peter Levine, “Arts, Culture, and Creativity as a Strategy for Countering the Negative Social Impacts of Immigration Stress and Gentrification,” with , Health Promotion Practices, vol 22 (May 2021), pp. 131S-140S.
- “Does the Civic Renewal Movement Have a Future?” The Hastings Center Report, vol. 51, Issue S1 (2021), pp. S10-S14
- “APSA Presidential Task Force Report on New Partnerships.” PS: Political Science & Politics, vol. 53, no. 4 (2020), pp. 847-849. With Rogers Smith, Amy Cabrera Rasmussen, William Galston, Hahrie Han, Tyson King-Meadows, et al.
- “Environmental Equity and COVID-19 Experiences Among and Nationally Representative Cohort,” International Society for Environmental Epidemiology, August 2021 (with Elyssa Anesser, Thomas Stopka, Elena Naumova et al)
- “Why Protect Civil Liberties during a Pandemic?” Journal of Public Health Policy, vol. 42, no. 1, pp. 154-159
- “Theorizing Democracy in a Pandemic,” Democratic Theory, vol. 7, issue 2 (2020), pp. 134–142.
- “The Complexity of Civic Life,” The Bridge (the quarterly of the National Academy of Engineering), vol. 50, no. 4 (Winter 2020), pp. 34-6
- “Citizens against Domination: A Critical Reading of Ian Shapiro,” The Good Society, vol. 28, No. 1-2 (2019), pp. 1-8.
- “Dialogic Analysis: Using Epistemic Network Analysis to Model Dialogic Interactions,” American Educational Research Association symposium paper, April 6, 2018 (with David Williamson Shaffer, Gideon Dishon, Brendan Eagan, Sara Tabatabai, and Zachary Swiecki).
- “Habermas with a Whiff of Tear Gas: Nonviolent Campaigns and Deliberation in an Era of Authoritarianism,” Journal of Public Deliberation, vol. 14, issue 2 (2018), article 4.
- “Introduction: On Reintegrating Facts, Values, Strategies,” The Good Society, vol. 26, no. 2-3
- Deliberation or Simulated Deliberation?. Democracy and Education, 26 (1), 2018, Article 7.
- Jonathan Garlick & Peter Levine, “Where Civic Meets Science: Building Science for the Public Good Through Civic Science,” Oral Diseases, vol. 23, issue 6 (Sept 2017) pp. 685–812. Winner of the Prof. Crispian Scully Best Paper Award for 2017.
- “Media Literacy for the 21st Century. A Response to ‘The Need for Media Education in Democratic Education,’” Democracy and Education, vol. 23, no. 1, Article 15 (2015)
- “Talking about this Generation: The Millennials and Politics,” Extensions, Summer 2015, pp. 4-9
- Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg & Peter Levine, “Diversity in Classrooms: The Relationship between Deliberative and Associative Opportunities in School and Later Electoral Engagement,” Analyses of Social Issues and Public Policy, vol. 14, no. 1 (2014), pp. 294-414
- “A Defense of Higher Education and Its Civic Mission,” Journal of General Education vol. 63, no. 1 (2014), pp. 47-56
- “The Case for Civic Studies,” in Peter Levine and Karol Edward Soltan, eds., Civic Studies: Approaches to the Emerging Field (American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2014), pp. 3-8
- Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg & Peter Levine, “Policy Effects on Informed Political Engagement,” American Behavioral Scientist, vol. 58 no. 5 (May 2014), pp. 665-688
- “The Civic Mission of Higher Education at a Time of Democratic Disconnect,” Partnerships: A Journal of Service Learning and Civic Engagement, vol. 4, no. 2 (Oct. 2013), online
- Karol Soltan and Peter Levine, “The Summer Institute of Civic Studies: An Introduction,” The Good Society, vol. 22, Number 2, 2013
- “Review Symposium: Race in America. A Discussion of Cathy J. Cohen’s Democracy Remixed: Black Youth and the Future of American Politics,” Perspectives on Politics, vol. 10, no. 3, September 2012, pp. 757-760
- Kerry Poole, Michael Berson & Peter Levine, “On Becoming a Legislative Aide: Enhancing Civic Engagement through a Digital Simulation,” Action in Teacher Education, vol. 32, no 4 (2011), pp. 70-82
- “Seeing like a Citizen: The Contributions of Elinor Ostrom to ‘Civic Studies,’” The Good Society, vol. 20, no. 1 (2011), pp. 3-14
- Jonathan Cohen, Terry Pickeral & Peter Levine, “The Foundation for Democracy: Promoting Social, Emotional, Ethical,Cognitive Skills and Dispositions in K-12 Schools,” Revista Interamerica de Educación para la Democracia, vol. 3, no. 1 (April 2010), pp. 74-94
- Constance Flanagan & Peter Levine, “Youth Civic Engagement During the Transition to Adulthood,” in Mary Waters, Gordon Berlin, and Frank Furstenberg (eds.), Transition to Adulthood, (Princeton/Brookings: The Future of Children), vol. 20, no. 1, Spring 2010, pp. 159-180.
- Mark Hugo Lopez, Kenneth Dautrich, David Yalof & Peter Levine, “Schools, Education Policy and the Future of the First Amendment, Political Communication, vol. 26, no. 1, January-March 2009
- Robert M. Hollister, Nancy Wilson & Peter Levine, “Educating Students to Foster Active Citizenship,” PeerReview, vol. 10, no. 2/3, spring/summer 2008/
- “The Civic Engagement of Young Immigrants: Why Does it Matter?” Applied Developmental Science, volume 12, issue 2 (April 2008), pp. 102-104.
- Peter Levine & Rose Marie Nierras, “Activists’ Views of Deliberation,” Journal of Public Deliberation, vol. 3, no. 1 (2007), article 4
- Archon Fung, John Gastil, & Peter Levine, “Future Directions for Public Deliberation,” Journal of Public Deliberation: Vol. 1: No. 1, Article 3 (2005). Also appears as Chapter 19 of Gastil and Levine, eds., Handbook of Public Deliberation
- Mark Hugo Lopez & Peter Levine, “What We Should Know about the Effectiveness of Campaigns but Don’t,” Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 601 (Sept. 2005), pp. 180-191
- “The Problem of Online Misinformation and the Role of Schools,” Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education, volume 5, issue 1 (February 2005)
- “What is the Role of Government Supported Medical Websites?” Library and Information Science Electronic Journal (LIBRES), vol. 14, issue 2, September 2004
- “A Movement for the Commons?” The Responsive Community, vol. 13, no. 4 (Fall 2003), pp. 28-39
- “Information Technology and the Social Construction of Information Privacy: Comment,” Journal of Accounting and Public Policy, Volume 22, Issue 3, May-June 2003, pp. 281-285
- “Building the E-Commons,” The Good Society, vol. 11, no. 3 (2003), pp. 1-9
- Keats Against Dante: The Sonnet on Francesca da Rimini,” Keats-Shelley Journal, vol. LI (2002), pp. 76-93
- “The Legitimacy of Labor Unions,” The Hofstra Labor and Employment Law Journal, vol. 18, no. 2 (Spring, 2001), pp. 529-573. A Chinese translation was authorized for Global Law Review, a quarterly law journal published by the Institute of Law, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
- “Why Dante Damned Francesca da Rimini,” Philosophy & Literature, vol. 23 (October, 1999), pp. 334-350
- “Nietzsche and the Greeks,” The International Journal of the Classical Tradition, Spring 1998, pp. 527-529
- William A. Galston & Peter Levine, “America’s Civic Condition: A Glance at the Evidence,” The Brookings Review, vol. 15, no. 4 (Fall 1997), pp. 23-26. This article is reprinted in E.J. Dionne, Jr., editor, Community Works: The Revival of Civil Society in America (Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 1998), pp. 30-36
- “Lolita and Aristotle’s Ethics,” Philosophy and Literature, volume 19, number 1 (April, 1995), pp. 32-47
Invited chapters
- Sunah Hyun, Diane M. Ryan, and Peter Levine, “Developing Civic Character,” in the Multidisciplinary Handbook of Character Development, edited by Mike Matthews and Richard M. Lerner (in press)
- “Putting the US Constitution in Its Place,” in Citizenship and Civic Leadership in America, edited by Carol McNamara and Trevor Shelly (Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2022), pp. 281-292.
- (with Tetyana Kloubert) “Politische Bildung in den USA,” in Wolfgang Sander and Kerstin Pohl (eds.), Handbuch politische Bildung (Frankfurt: Wochenshau, 2022)
- “’What Should We Do?’ The Bloomington School and the Citizen’s Core Question,” in Ostrom’s Tensions: Reexamining the Political Economy and Public Policy of Elinor C. Ostrom, eds. Roberta Q. Herzberg, Paul Dragos Aligica, and Peter J. Boettke. Arlington, VA: Mercatus Center at George Mason University, 2019.
- Introduction to Florian Wenzel and Christian Boeser-Schnebel, A Manual on “Village Talk” (with Tetjana Kloubert, Stiftung Mitarbeit, 2018).
- “The Possibilities of Policy Relative to the Purposes of Civic Education” and a response to Beth Rubin’s commentary on that chapter, in Paul G. Fitchett and Kevin W. Meuwissen, eds., Social Studies in the New Education Policy Era: Conversations on Purposes, Perspectives, and Practices (Routledge, 2018), pp. 67-71 and 78-80.
- Peter Levine and Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, “Preparing for Civic Life.” In Rafael Heller, Rebecca E.,Wolfe & Adria Steinberg (eds)., Rethinking Readiness: Deeper Learning for College, Work, and Life (Cambridge: Harvard Education Press, 2017), pp. 59-79
- Jodi Benenson, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Peter Levine, and Felicia M. Sullivan, “Youth as Part of the Solution: Youth Engagement as a Core Strategy of Comprehensive Community Initiatives,” in Jonathan F. Zaff, Elizabeth Pufall Jones, Alice E. Donlan, Sara Anderson (eds.), Comprehensive Community Initiatives for Positive Youth Development (New York: Routledge, 2016)
- Peter Levine & Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, “State Policies for Civic Education,” in Esther Thorson, Mitchell S. McKinney, and Dhavan Shah, eds., Political Socialization in a Media-Saturated World (New York: Peter Lang, 2016), pp. 113-24.
- “Democracy in the Digital Age,” The Civic Media Reader, edited by Eric Gordon and Paul Mihailidis (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2016), pp. 29-47.
- “Practice and Theory in the Service of Social Change,” in Margaret Post, Elaine Ward, Nicholas Longo, and John Saltmarsh (eds.), Voices of the Next Generation of Engagement (Stylus, 2016)
- Youth Disaffection with Politics: The US Case,” in Pedro Pérez Herrero (ed.) Desaffección política y gobernabilidad: el reto politico (Madrid: Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Estudios Latinamericanos, 2015), pp. 45-60
- “Jobs, Jobs, Jobs: The Economic Impact of Public Work,” in Harry C. Boyte, ed., Democracy’s Education: Public Work, Citizenship, and the Future of Colleges and Universities (Vanderbilt University Press, 2015), pp. 204-210.
- “Civic Engagement” in Emerging Trends in the Behavioral and Social Sciences, edited by Robert A. Scott and Stephen M. Kosslyn (John Wiley & Sons, 2015)
- “Civic Renewal: Theory and Practice,” in Richard Marback (ed.) Generations: Rethinking Age and Citizenship (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 2015)
- “Education for Civil Society,” in David Campbell, Meira Levinson, and Frederick M. Hess (eds.), Civics 2.0: Citizenship Education for a New Generation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press, 2012), pp. 37-56.
- Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg & Peter Levine, “Investing In Civic Health – A Case for Strengthening Civic Infrastructure and Civic Education,” in Thomas Bryer (ed) Higher Education Beyond Job Creation: Universities, Citizenship, and Community (Lexington Books, 2014)
- “A New Hull-House? The Monumental Challenge of Service-Learning and Community Engagement,” in Dan W. Butin and Scott Seider (eds.), The Engaged Campus: Certificates, Minors, and Majors as the New Community Engagement (New York: Palgrave/Macmillan, 2012), pp. 171-6
- “An Ethical Turn for the Humanities,” in Rethinking the Humanities: Paths and Challenges, edited by Ricardo Gil Soeiro and Sofia Tavares (Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2012), pp. 129-142.
- “Civic Studies as an Academic Discipline” in Donald W. Harwood (ed.), Civic Provocations, Bringing Theory to Practice Monograph, 2012
- “Patriotism Can Serve Constructive Purposes in Education,” in Noel Merino, ed., Current Controversies: Patriotism (Greenhaven Press, 2011), pp. 107-13
- Barry Checkoway, Richard Guarasci & Peter Levine, “Reuniting the ‘Often Neglected’ Aims of Liberal Education,” in Don Harward, ed., Transforming Undergraduate Education: Theory that Compels and Practices that Succeed (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield), 2011, pp. 109-24
- “Letter to President Obama: A Policy Approach for the Federal Government,” in David Feith (ed.), Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education (Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2011), pp. 209-217.
- Nancy Thomas & Peter Levine, “Deliberative Democracy and Higher Education: Higher Education’s Democratic Mission,” in John Saltmarsh and Matthew Hartley, eds., To Serve a Larger Purpose: Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2011)
- Jonathan F. Zaff, Daniel Hart, Constance A. Flanagan, James Youniss & Peter Levine, “Developing Civic Engagement within a Civic Context,” The Handbook of Life-Span Development (John Wiley & Sons, 2010)
- Elizabeth Hollander, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Duncan Picard, Jonathan Zaff & Peter Levine, “Assessing the Effects of Institutional Culture on Leadership Education at Tufts University,” in Nicholas V. Longo and Cynthia M. Gibson, eds., From Command to Community: A New Approach to Leadership Education in Colleges and Universities (University Press of New England, 2011), pp. 169-87.
- “Social Accountability as Public Work,” in Sina Odugbemi and Taeku Lee, eds, Accountability through Public Opinion: From Inertia to Public Action (Washington, DC: The World Bank, 2011), pp. 291-306
- “Service-Learning Research: Returning to the Moral Questions,” in Trae Stewart and Nicole Webster (eds.), Problematizing Service-Learning, Information Age Publishing, 2010, pp. 343-350
- Nancy Thomas & Peter Levine, “Deliberative Democracy and Higher Education: Higher Education’s Democratic Mission,” in John Saltmarsh and Matthew Hartley, eds., To Serve a Larger Purpose: Engagement for Democracy and the Transformation of Higher Education (Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press, 2011).
- “Civic Knowledge,” in Michael Edwards, ed., The Oxford Handbook of Civil Society (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2010), pp. 362-374
- Peter Levine & Ann Higgins-D’Alessandro, “Youth Civic Engagement: Normative Issues,” chapter in Handbook of Research on Civic Engagement in Youth, edited by Lonnie Sherrod, Judith Torney-Purta, and Constance A. Flanagan (John Wiley & Sons, 2010)
- “A Public Voice for Youth: The Audience Problem in Digital Media and Civic Education,” in W. Lance Bennett (ed.), Civic Life Online: Learning How Digital Media Can Engage Youth (Cambridge, Mass. and London: MIT Press, 2007), pp. 119-138
- “Creative Use of the New Media” in Lonnie R. Sherrod, Ron Kassimir, and Connie Flanagan (eds.), Youth Activism: An International Encyclopedia (Westport, CT: Greenwood, 2005)
- “Collective Action, Civic Engagement, and the Knowledge Commons,” in Charlotte Hess and Elinor Ostrom, eds., Understanding Knowledge as a Commons: From Theory to Practice (MIT Press, 2006). This is a revised version of “Youth-Led Research, the Internet, and Civic Engagement” (Digital Library of the Commons, 2004)
- “The Internet and Civil Society,” in Verna V. Gehring, ed., The Internet in Public Life (Rowman & Littlefield, 2004), pp. 79-98. This is arevised and updated version of “The Internet and Civil Society,” Report from the Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy, vol. 20, no. 4, Fall 2000. This article originated as a talk on the same subject at the University of Tilburg (in the Netherlands). A long version has been published in a volume entitled Ethics and the Internet, edited by Anton Vedder (Oxford: Intersentia, 2001), pp. 177-193. In other versions it has been republished as “The Internet and Civil Society: Dangers and Opportunities” in iMP Magazine (May 2001) and by the Institute for Global Ethics’ Public Policy Program. A Hungarian translation by the Information Society Research Institute (Budapest) was authorized
- “Campaign Web Pages and the Public Interest,” in David M. Anderson and Michael Cornfield, eds., The Civic Web: Online Politics and Democratic Values (Rowman & Littlefield, 2002).
- “Can the Internet Rescue Democracy? Toward an On-line Commons” in Ronald Hayduk and and Kevin Mattson (eds.), Democracy’s Moment: Reforming the American: Political System for the 21st Century (Lanham, MD, Rowman & Littlefield, 2002), pp. 121-137
Articles and monographs without formal peer review
- with Hannah Cox and James Fisher, “What will AI do to higher education?” eCampus News, Aug. 28, 2024.
- “La Universidad comprometida, más allá de la excelencia,” Espacios de educacion superior, Jan. 23, 2023, via espaciosdeeducacionsuperior.e
- “The Montgomery Bus Boycott: An SNF Agora Case Study,” Johns Hopkins University SNF Agora Institute, January 2021
- with Liz McKenna, “The ISAIAH Trash Referendum: An SNF Agora Case Study,” Johns Hopkins University SNF Agora Institute, January 2021″
- “Educational Equity During A Pandemic,” Albert Shanker Institute, May 14, 2020
- “Joining the Movement,” Educational Leadership, vol. 77, no. 6 (March 2020), pp. 41-43
- “Can The Arts Combat The Negative Effects Of Gentrification?: The Pao Arts Center In Boston’s Chinatown,” National Endowment for the Arts Working Paper, 2019 (With Carolyn Rubin, Virginia Chomitz, and Carolyn Woo)_
- MassForward: Advancing Democratic Innovation and Electoral Reform in Massachusetts (Boston: MassINC, 2019) (with Benjamin Forman and Laurel Bliss)
- “The Role of Social Movements in Fostering Sounder Public Judgment,” Public Agenda Foundation’s Sounder Public Judgment Working Paper Series, October 2019.
- “Another Time for Freedom? Lessons from the Civil Rights Era for Today’s Campuses,” Liberal Education, Winter 2019, Vol. 105, No. 1.
- «Reflexiones críticas sobre el carácter predictivo de la Ciencia Política» trans. by Carolina Rusca) in Crítica y Resistencias. Revista de conflictos sociales latinoamericanos, no.6 (2018), pp.124-129
- “Review of Political Translation: How Social Movement Democracies Survive by Nicole Doerr (Cambridge University Press, 2018),” Journal of Public Deliberation: Vol. 14 : Iss. 1 , Article 10.
- Matthew N. Atwell, John Bridgeland, and Peter Levine, Civic Deserts: America’s Civic Health Challenge (Washington, DC, National Conference on Citizenship, 2017)
- Peter Levine and Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, “The Republic is (Still) at Risk—and Civics is Part of the Solution” (Medford, MA: Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, Tufts University, 2017) with support from Carnegie Corporation of New York and the Hewlett and McCormick Foundations
- “Saving Relational Politics,” Perspectives on Politics, Vol. 14, Issue 02, June 2016, pp. 468-473
- Public-Spirited Citizenship: Leadership and Good Government in the United States” (book review), Political Science Quarterly, vol. 131, Issue 4 (Winter 2016 ), pp. 896–897
- (with Myung J. Lee), “A New Model for Citizen Engagement,” Stanford Social Innovation Review, Fall 2016
- “Join a club! Or a team – both can make good citizens,” Phi Delta Kappan, vol. 97, no. 8 (May 2016), pp 24-27
- (with Abby Kiesa), “Do We Actually Want Higher Youth Voter Turnout?” Stanford Social Innovation Review, March 21, 2016
- “The Question Each Citizen Must Ask,” Educational Leadership, March 2016, pp. 30-34.
- Review essay: Danielle S. Allen and Rob Reich (eds.) Education, Justice & Democracy, in Theory and Research in Education, vol. 13, no. 2 (July 2015), pp. 235-238
- Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg & Peter Levine, “Challenges and Opportunities for Discussion of Controversial Issues in Racially Pluralistic Schools,” Social Education, vol. 79, no. 5 (Oct. 2015), p. 271-7
- Peter Levine and Eric Liu, “America’s Civic Renewal Movement: The View from Organizational Leaders” (Medford, MA: Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship & Public Service, 2015).
- Peter Levine & Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, “Civic Education and Deeper Learning,” Students at the Center: Deeper Learning Research Series. Boston, MA: Jobs for the Future, 2014
- Marshall Croddy & Peter Levine “The C3 Framework: A Powerful Tool for Preparing Future Generations for Informed and Engaged Civic Life,” Social Education, vol. 78, no. 6 (2014), pp 282–285
- “Turning Students into Voters: What Teachers Can Do,” Social Education, 78(4), pp 175–178
- “Civic Studies,” in Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly, vol. 32, No 1 (2014).
- “Teaching the Deeper Aspects of Civic Education,” The Standard (National Association of State Boards of Education), March 24, 2014, pp. 37-39.
- “Forward,” to Elizabeth Lynn, State Councils, the Humanities, and the American Public (Dayton, OH: Kettering Foundation, 2013), pp. 1-4.
- Meira Levinson & Peter Levine, “Taking Informed Action: The Civic Footprint to Prepare Students for Civic Life,” Social Education, vol. 77, no. 6 (Nov. 2013), pp. 339-41
- Peter Levine & Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, “Teaching Civics in a Time of Partisan Polarization,” Social Education, vol. 77, no 4 (2013), pp. 215-7.
- “What the NAEP Civics Assessment Measures and How Students Perform,” CIRCLE Fact Sheet, 2013
- Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Chaeyoon Lim & Peter Levine, “Civic Health and Unemployment II: The Case Builds,” National Conference on Citizenship:
Washington, DC, 2012 - Surbhi Godsay, Whitney Henderson, Peter Levine & Josh Littenberg-Tobias, “State Civic Education Requirements,” CIRCLE Fact Sheet (2013)
- Michelle J. Boyd, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Jonathan Zaff, & Peter Levine “Assessment Spotlight: Tufts University, Tisch College of Citizenship and
Public Service,” Bringing Theory to Practice Newsletter, fall 2012. - Surbhi Godsay, Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg, Abby Kiesa, & Peter Levine, That’s Not Democracy”: How Out of School Youth Engage in Civic Life and What Stands in their Way, CIRCLE Monograph, 2012
- “How to Combat Incivility: A Policy Agenda for Civic Renewal,” Dispute Resolution Magazine, vol. 18, no. 2 (2012), pp. 24-26
- Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication, A White Paper on the Civic Engagement Recommendations of the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy, Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 2011
- “What Do We Know about Civic Engagement?” Liberal Education, vol. 97, no. 2 (Spring 2011), pp. 20-7
- “The Public and its Problems,” National Civic Review centennial edition, vol. 100, no. 1 (April 2011), pp. 42-50
- “Teaching and Learning Civility,” in Nancy L. Thomas (ed.), “Educating for Deliberative Democracy,” New Directions for Higher Education, no. 152
(winter 2010), pp. 11-17 - “Reforming the Humanities: The Ethical Interpretation of Stories,” Intellectual News (the review of the International Society for Intellectual History), vol. 16 (2010), pp. 110-112
- Peter Levine & Ann Higgins d’Alessandro, “The Philosophical Foundations of Civic Education,” Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly, vol. 30, no. 3/4 (Summer/Fall 2010), pp. 21-7
- John M. Bridgeland & Peter Levine, “Civic Health in Hard Times,” Spotlight on Poverty and Opportunity, September 28, 2009
- “Making the Case: The Civic Case for Voluntary Student Groups,” Leadership for Student Activities, vol. 39, no. 9 (May 2009), pp. 16-17.
- “The Civic Opportunity Gap,” Educational Leadership, vol. 66, no. 8 (May 2009), pp. 20-25.
- “Civic Engagement for All: A Conversation with Peter Levine,” Northwest Education, vol. 14, no. 2 (Winter 2009), pp. 12-13
- Peter Levine, Constance A. Flanagan and Les Gallay, The Millennial Pendulum: A New Generation of Voters and the Prospects for a Political Realignment, New America Foundation monograph, February 2009
- Constance A. Flanagan, Peter Levine, and Richard Settersten, Civic Engagement and the Changing Transition to Adulthood, CIRCLE monograph, January
2009 - Mark Hugo Lopez, Karlo Barrios Marcelo, & Peter Levine, Getting Narrower at the Base: The American Curriculum After NCLB, CIRCLE monograph, December, 2008.
- “The Case for Service,” Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly, vol. 28, no. 3/4 (summer/fall 2008), pp. 2-8. Also anthologized in Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau, eds., Current Issues and Enduring Questions (New York, St. Martin’s Press, 2011).
- “America’s Civic Health Index,” 2008, published by the National Conference on Citizenship in partnership with CIRCLE and the Saguaro Seminar. I was one of
several authors and drafted the original text. - Matt Leighninger & Peter Levine, “Education in a Rapidly Changing Democracy: Strengthening Civic Education for Citizens of All Ages,” The School Administrator, October 2008
- “The Engaged University: A Tale of Two Generations,” in David W. Brown and Deborah Witte, eds., Agent of Democracy: Higher Education and the HEX Journey (Dayton: Kettering Foundation Press, 2008), pp. 11-28.
- “Education and the Limits of Technocracy,” Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly, vol. 27, no. 3/4 (Summer/Fall 2007), pp. 17-21.
- (with several others) “America’s Civic Health Index,” 2007, published by the National Conference on Citizenship in partnership with CIRCLE and the Saguaro Seminar.
- “Learning and Democracy: Civic Education,” The Kettering Review, vol. 24, no. 3 (Fall 2006), pp. 32-42
- (With Mark Hugo Lopez and others), “The 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation” (CIRCLE, based on a nationally representative survey.)
- Broken Engagement: America’s Civic Engagement Index, A report by the National Conference on Citizenship in association with CIRCLE and the Saguaro Seminar (September 18, 2006): with 12 co-authors, but I was responsible for the data and quantitative analysis.
- “Civic Renewal in America,” Philosophy and Public Policy Quarterly, vol. 26, no. 1/2 (winter/spring 2006), pp. 2-12
- “The Civic Mission of Schools: Chief Findings and Next Steps,” Knowledge Quest, vol. 34, no. 4 (March/April, 2006), pp. 20-22
- “Politics is About Relationships by Harold H. Saunders” (book review), Connections (winter 2006), pp. 26-27
- “Youth Voting in 2004: The Myths and the Facts,” Wingspread Journal (2005), pp. 3-6
- “Journalism and Democracy: Does it Matter How Well the Press Covers Iraq?” National Civic Review, vol. 93, no. 3 (Fall 2004), pp. 16-24.
- (with David Brown and Robert Kingston) “What is ‘Public’ About What Academics Do? An Exchange with Robert Kingston and Peter Levine,” Higher Education Exchange, 2004 pp. 17-29
- “Civic Education” (letter), Education Next, Spring 2004, p. 5
- Mark Hugo Lopez & Peter Levine, “Themes Emphasized in Social Studies and Civics Classes: New Evidence,” CIRCLE fact sheet, Feb. 2004
- Cynthia Gibson & Peter Levine, “The Path To Consensus: Coalition-Building, Advocacy, Research and Communications Converge for Success in Carnegie/CIRCLE Program,” Gold Book (Alliance for Nonprofit Management), February 2004
- Mark Lopez & Peter Levine, “Young People and Political Campaigning on the Internet,” CIRCLE fact sheet, January 2004
- “The Idea of an Engaged University,” an interview of me by David Brown, Higher Education Exchange, 2003
- “The Civic Mission of Schools,” National Civic Review, winter 2003, pp. 63-5
- Mark Lopez & Peter Levine, “Youth Voter Turnout has Declined, by Any Measure,” CIRCLE publication, June 2002
- “The Libertarian Critique of Labor Unions,” Philosophy & Public Policy Quarterly, Volume 21, Number 4 (Fall 2001). Reprinted in William A. Shaw and Vincent Barry, eds., Moral Issues in Business (Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, 2004), pp. 317-324.
- “Civic Renewal and the Commons of Cyberspace,” The National Civic Review, vol. 90, no. 3 (Fall 2001), pp. 205-211
- “Public Intellectuals and the Influence of Economics,” The Higher Education Exchange, 2001.
- “Lessons from the Brooklyn Museum Controversy,” Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, vol. 20, no. 2/3, Summer 2000
- “Michael Edwards, Future Positive: International Co-operation in the 21st Century,” book review in the IDEA Newsletter, May 2000
- “Getting Practical About Deliberative Democracy,” The Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, Fall 1999
- “Hopeful Signs in America’s Civic Health,” press release and talk given at the Brookings Institution, Washington, June 18, 1999
- “The Index of National Civic Health (INCH),” a publication of the National Commission on Civic Renewal (1998).
- “Expert Analysis vs. Public Opinion: The Case of Campaign Finance Reform,” The Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, summer, 1997. This article is anthologized in Social Problems, twenty-seventh edition, edited by Kurt Finsterbusch (McGraw Hill-Dushkin, 1999). A shorter version was published as “Cleaning Up Campaigns,” The Birmingham News, “Review & Comment” section, Sunday, August 17, 1997, p. C 1
- “Deliberation and Technical Reasoning,” a chapter in the Standing with the Public: The Humanities and Democratic Practice, edited by Noelle McAfee and Jim Veninga (Dayton, 1997)
- “Public Journalism and Deliberation,” Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, winter, 1994. This article was reprinted in Theodore Lowi, et al., Readings for American Government (Norton, 2000)
- Five entries for the Norton Dictionary of Modern Thought, edited by Alan Bullock and Stephen Trombley, 1999 (“Will to Power,” “Eternal Return,” “ Ubermensch,” “Last Man,” and “Master Morality/Slave Morality”)
- “Consultants and American Political Culture,” Report from the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy, summer/fall issue, 1994 This article was abridged in The Congressional Quarterly Researcher (1996)
- “Carol Gould, Rethinking Democracy,” Civic Arts Review (1989)
- Lawrence Cremin, American Education: The Metropolitan Experience” (book review), Civic Arts Review (Ohio Wesleyan University, 1988)
Op-Eds and Editorials
- “What our nation needs is a broad-based, pro-democracy civic movement,” The Fulcrum, Nov. 25, 2024
- (with Dayna Cunningham), “US democracy’s unaddressed flaws undermine Biden’s stand as democracy’s defender ? but Trump keeps favoring political violence,” The Conversation, March 19, 2024
- (with Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg and Jessica S. Lieberman, “Massachusetts Should Move Local Elections to Even-Numbered Years,” The Boston Globe, Nov. 7 2023
- (with Moon Duchin) “Rebooting the Mathematics of Gerrymandering,” The Conversation, October 23, 2017
- (with Talmon Joseph Smith) “A New Year’s Resolution for the Republic: Make Average Citizens’ Opinions Matter Again,” Salon, Jan 16, 2017
- (with Abby Kiesa) “Youth and US Elections: About Way More Than Just the Horserace,” The World Financial Review, Nov./Dec. 2016, pp. 22-4.
- (with Abby Kiesa) “Why American Urgently Needs to Improve K-12 Civic Education,” The Conversation, Oct 30, 2016
- “Teach Civic Responsibility to High School Students,” The New York Times (“Room for Debate” feature), Oct. 17, 2016
- “The Lack of Diversity in Philosophy is Blocking its Progress,” Aeon Magazine, June 28, 2016
- “Explainer: What is Wrong with America’s Civic Education,” The Conversation, May 9, 2016
- “The Waning Influence of American Political Parties,” The Conversation, March 31, 2016. Reprinted in US News & World Report and in Newsweek.
- (with Alan Solomont), “Renewing Our Commitment to US History and Civics,” Roll Call, October 15, 2015
- “Federal Citizenship Test: What Should a Good Citizen Really Know About America?” Fox News (online), March 18, 2015
- “Why the Voting Age Should be 17,” Politico, Feb. 24, 2105
- “Opposing View: Good Citizenship Transcends a Test,” USA Today, Feb. 9, 2015
- (With Scott Warren) “To Revive Our Democracy, Revive Civic Education,” The Hill, Jan. 15, 2015.
- “Social Media Hasn’t Boosted Young Voter Turnout,” Washington Post political science blog (“The Monkey Cage”), Dec. 1, 2014
- “Commentary: If Millennials Leave Religion, Then What?” The Washington Post, April 21, 2014 (and on the Religion New Service wire)
- “ObamaCare and America’s Youth — Why Lessons of 2014 Will Last a Lifetime,” (op-ed), March 31, 2014
- “What Bipartisan Budget Agreement Suggests For Future of American Democracy,” Fox News online, Dec. 20, 2013
- Trey Grayson and Peter Levine, “Recipe for Improving Civic Education,” The Hill, Oct. 15, 2013
- “Citizenship isn’t about Passing a Civics Test.”, May 6, 2013.
- “The Half-Impressive Youth Vote,” US News & World Report, November 30, 2012
- “Why Young People Turned Out–Again,” The New York Daily News, Nov. 9, 2012
- “My View: How Schools Should Handle 9/11 in Class,” CNN’s “Schools of Thought” website, Sept. 11, 2012
- “Why The GOP’s Future Could Depend on Romney’s Ability to Connect with Young People,” Fox, April 27, 2012
- “Does Rick Santorum Have a Youth Problem?” Daily Caller, Feb. 27, 2012
- “New Role for Young Voters,” Politico, Jan. 20, 2012
- “Young, Black and Voting,” The Root, Dec. 2, 2011
- Joseph Kahne & & Peter Levine, “Voter Turnout Spotlights Educational Need,” San Francisco Chronicle, March 9, 2008
- John M. Bridgeland & Peter Levine, “Civic Priorities,” The Washington Times, October 4, 2006
Organizer/author of commission or committee reports
- (Co-Principal Investigator), Educating for American Democracy: Excellence in History and Civics for All Learners (iCivics, 2021),
- (Writer and Chair of the Civics Group), College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) Framework for Social Studies State Standards, National Council for the Social Studies (2013): being used as the framework to revise standards in at least eight states
- (Director and Principal Investigator) Commission on Youth Voting and Civic Knowledge, “All Together Now: Collaboration and Innovation for Youth Engagement” (Medford: MA: Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning & Engagement, 2013)
- Civic Health and Unemployment: Can Engagement Strengthen the Economy? (Washington, DC: National Conference on Citizenship, 2011) I drafted the text, but the named authors are CIRCLE, Civic Enterprises, National Conference on Citizenship, Saguaro Seminar, and the National Constitution Center.
- (Executive editor, with several others), Guardian of Democracy: The Civic Mission of Schools, published by the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, CIRCLE, American Bar Association Division of Public Education, Lenore Annenberg Institute for Civics, and National Conference on Citizenship (2011)
- “Higher Education: Civic Mission & Civic Effects,” published by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching and CIRCLE in February 2006. This is a consensus report by 22 scholars; I drafted it and revised it to achieve agreement
- The Civic Mission of Schools, a report released by Carnegie Corporation of New York and CIRCLE, February 2003. This report was generated by more than 50 author/endorsers as a result of a deliberative process jointly organized and managed by Cynthia Gibson (Carnegie Corporation of New York) and me. It was the subject of a syndicated column by David Broder, several unsigned editorials, and numerous news stories. Copies were distributed at a White House Forum on History, Civics, and Service and a Congressional Conference on Civic Education, among other events. It is the charter for the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools
Summer institutes for faculty, graduate students, and practitioners
- 2019, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024: annual American Political Science Association Institute for Civically Engaged Research, June at Tisch College, co-directed with Amy Cabrera Rasmussen an Valeria Sinclair Chapman.
- 2009-2019: Summer Institute of Civic Studies, annually in June or July at Tufts’ Tisch College of Civic Life, co-directed with Karol Soltan from 2009-2017.
- 2015-19 and 2022: European Summer Institute of Civic Studies, annually in July or August in Ukraine of Germany, co-directed with Karol Soltan and Tetjana Kloubert
Keynote/plenary speeches
- “People are Not Points in Space: Why the ‘Left vs Right’ Spectrum Can’t Help Us Understand (or Solve) Political Disagreements,” The Road to the White House: Colgate’s 2024 Election Series, Colgate University, Nov. 3, 2024
- The Lincoln Scholars Lecture: “What Should We Do? A Theory of Civic Life,” American University, Washington DC, Oct 28, 2024
- “Keynote: Understanding Democracy and youth empowerment,” at the Virtual Urban Diplomacy Exchange Conference, hosted by Engagement Global and partners for German and US municipalities, Oct. 23, 2024 (virtual)
- “Building Research-Practice Partnerships,” Measurement Working Group Convening, Institute for Citizens and Scholars, Washington, DC, April 1, 2024
- “What Should We Do? A Theory of Civic Life,” Wake Forest University’s Program for Leadership and Character, Winston-Salem, NC, Feb 6, 2023
- Ohio State University COMPAS Colloquium (“What Should Civic Education Become in the 21st Century?”), panel with Angela M. Banks and Winston C. Thompson, Columbus, OH, Feb 3, 2023
- “What Should We Do? A Theory of Civic Life,” The Providence College Humanities Forum, in collaboration with “Conversations for Change” and The Frederick Douglass Project, Providence College, Providence RI, Jan 31, 2023
- “What Should We Do?” The PPE Speaker Series, University of North Carolina, April 26, 2022
- New York State School Boards Association conference, plenary panel on “The Critical Role School Boards Play in Promoting Democracy,” Albany, NY August 12, 2022
- Vermont Humanities Lecture, “What Should We Do? The Civic Question, and How More Americans Can Ask It,” Nov. 3, 2021 (online)
- The William W. Treat Lecture, “A Polarized Country – Can Schools Help Bridge the Divide?“ New Hampshire Institute for Civics Education, July 22, 2021 (online)
- Civic Education and Renewal: Restoring American Civic Legitimacy” (plenary discussion with Paul Carrese and Wilfred McClay), Citizenship and Civic Leadership in America Conference, Arizona State University’s School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, February 29, 2020.
- Presentation of Report: “MassForward: Advancing Democratic Innovation and Electoral Reform in Massachusetts,” The Boston Foundation, Nov. 13, 2019
- Keynote at the Delaware Summit on Civic Education, University of Delaware, Feb 7, 2019
- Keynote at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay 2019 Instructional Development Institute, on“Making High-Impact Educational Experiences for All,” Green Bay, Jan. 24, 2019
- “The Civic Mission of Schools: Lessons for Utah,” at the “A Place for All” statewide civics conference, Salt Lake City, June 26, 2018
- Youth Civic Engagement,” keynote, national YMCA Youth & Government State Directors’ Conference, Atlanta, GA (the State House chamber), May 14, 2018
- “The State of Civic Life,” featured speech, The Corps Network’s National Conference, Washington, DC, Feb. 13, 2018
- “How to Respond: Civic Renewal in the Age of Trump” Indivisible Chippewa Valley Citizen Summit, Eau Claire, WI, Nov 12, 2017
- “Elinor Ostrom and the Citizen’s Basic Question: What Should We Do?” Tocqueville Lecture, Indiana University, Oct 5, 2017
- The 2017 William R. and Linda K. Cotter Debate at Colby College on “American Democracy?”, with Benjamin Page, Rosslyn Fuller, and Joseph R. Reisert, Colby College, March 29, 2017.
- “From Responsiveness to Tolerance,” keynote at the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd Program for Strategic Research & Studies conference on “Teaching Tolerance & Peace in Education: American Experiences & International Lessons,” Orlando, Florida, March 27, 2017
- “Networks, Deliberation, and an Open Public Sphere,” keynote at Northeastern University’s NULab for Texts, Maps and Networks, conference on “Keeping the Public Sphere Open,” Boston, MA, March 24, 2017
- “Morality and Networks,” Mississippi Philosophical Association annual meeting, Mississippi State University, Feb. 3, 2017
- “What should young people know about the elections and why is it important?” (opening plenary), Teaching about the 2016 Elections Conference, Madison, WI, Sept. 24, 2016
- Plenary remarks, White House Civic Workshop, The White House, July 13, 2016
- Plenary talk, Cities of Service Annual Convening, New York City, June 6, 2016
- Lunchtime keynote, New York State Council for the Social Studies Annual Meeting, Albany, NY, March 31, 2016
- “Civic Renewal in America,” Arizona State University, Tempe AZ, March 28, 2016
- “Leadership for Civic Renewal: Reinvigorating America’s Civic Life,” the 2015 Martel Lecture in Leadership and Public Opinion, University of Connecticut, Oct. 14, 2015
- University of Texas San Antonio Civic Engagement Summit keynote, San Antonio, Sept. 28, 2015
- “The Year the People Took Back Politics: A Vision for 2016,” keynote at “Breaking Through: Increasing Civic Participation Before, During and After Elections,” Austin, TX, July 22, 2015
- “Civic Renewal in American Cities,” City Accelerator Local Government Engagement national meeting, Cambridge, MA March 26, 2015
- Keynote, Vermont League of Women Voters’ annual spring luncheon, Waterbury, VT March 21, 2015
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal in America,” opening keynote, The Florida Civic Advance (statewide summit), Orlando, Feb. 22, 2015
- “Civic Education in a Time of Inequality and Polarization,” opening remarks at a Ford Foundation conference on “Educating for Democracy,” New York City, Jan. 23, 2015
- “Civic Engagement: The Role of Faculty in Reinvigorating Democracy,” The Cooperating Colleges of Greater Springfield (MA) conference, Nov 13, 2014
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal in America,” keynote speech at the Champaign (IL) STAR (Service Together Achieves results) Expo/Awards Program, April 17, 2014
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal in America,” the Rotunda, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, April 9, 2014
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal in America,” lunchtime plenary at the Center for the Study of Citizenship’s 2014 Conference, Wayne State University, Detroit, March 21, 2014
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal in America,” opening plenary at the “Democracy in America: Participation and Social Justice” conference at Stetson University, Florida, March 28, 2014
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal,” Texas Conference on Civic Life, Austin, TX, Nov. 9, 2013
- Civic and Moral Education Initiative Colloquium Series/Gutman Library Distinguished Author Series Event on We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For, Harvard Graduate School of Education, Oct. 21, 2013
- “Distinguished Voices in Civics” speaker series, inaugural talk, Morven Park, VA, Sept. 25, 2013
- “A Defense of Higher Education and its Civic Mission,” keynote, American Democracy Project/The Democracy Commitment national conference, Denver, CO, June 7, 2013
- Social Capital Forum: “How Can Engagement Drive Economic Growth?” Boston, MA, May 3, 2013
- Princeton AlumniCorps plenary talk, Princeton, NJ, April 27, 2013
- “The Civic Mission of Schools Report, a Ten-Year Retrospective,” (after-dinner keynote), 2013 Illinois Civic Mission Coalition Convening, Chicago, March 7, 2013
- “Preparation for Citizenship in the 21st Century” (keynote, given twice), California Democracy School Civic Learning Initiative meetings, Los Angeles, Feb. 19 and Feb 20, 2013
- “The Next Horizon for Community Engagement” (opening plenary), Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement (PACE) Conference, Elon, NC, February 13, 2013
- “What is citizenship? Changing Perspectives” (opening plenary) and “How to Accomplish Civic Renewal” (closing plenary), North Carolina Campus Compact Civic Engagement Institute, Elon, NC, February 12, 2013
- “Mapping the field, intellectual movements, and promise for strengthening democracy” Civic Mission of Higher Education conference convened by Bringing Theory to Practice, Washington, DC, January 31, 2013
- “Featured Keynote: The Effect of State Policy on the Youth Vote,” The Seventh Annual Summit of the Overseas Vote Foundation and U.S. Vote Foundation, Washington, DC, Jan. 24, 2013
- “Plenary: Measures of Civic Outcomes,” Eastern Regional Meeting of “Every Student a Citizen,” an initiative of the Education Commission of the States, Philadelphia, PA, June 15, 2012
- “Civic Renewal: Theory and Practice,” at “Generations: Age and Citizenship,” the 9th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies, Wayne State University, Detroit, March 30, 2012
- “Why Civic Participation and Community Engagement Matter,” at “Community Engagement 2012,” A Convening of Donor Forum Members and Partners, Chicago, March 7, 2012
- Roundtable to release my paper, “Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication,” organized by the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, Chicago, June 10, 2011
- “What do College Students Gain from Civic Engagement?”: inaugural Civic Engagement & Democracy lecture, Institute for Policy and Civic Engagement,
University of Illinois-Chicago, April 21, 2011 - “What Matters and What Counts in Education?” a speech sponsored by Facing History and Ourselves, Colorado Legacy Foundation and the Donnell-Kay Foundation,
Denver, CO, Feb 15, 2011 - “Concepts of Citizenship,” opening keynote at the Future of Community Engagement in Higher Education Conference, Boston University, June 25, 2010
- “The Obama Administration’s Active Citizenship Agenda,” University Lecture, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Feb. 19, 2010
- “Civic Engagement Research,” plenary presentation at the National Symposium on Civic Engagement, Public Work and Psychosocial Well-Being convened by the
Bringing Theory to Practice Project and others, Washington, DC, November 5, 2009 - “Closing the Civic Opportunity Gap,” Lifetime of Learning Conference on Service Learning, Civic Responsibility, and Higher Education, organized by the Alabama Poverty Project and others, Birmingham, Alabama, September 25, 2009
- “Why Obama Won (and What that Says about Democracy and Change in America)”, Presidential Plenary Panel, American Sociological Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, August 8, 2009
- “Restoring the Civic Mission of Schools in Rhode Island,” 2009 Rhode Island Civic Education Summer Institute, Providence, RI, June 25, 2009
- “Civic Engagement and Service-Learning Policy for Administrators,” Kids Consortium conference, Framingham, MA, Dec. 4, 2008
- “Developing the Next Generation of American Citizens,” conference on Service Learning and Civic Education, sponsored by the Iowa Department of Education and others, Des Moines, IA, Nov. 19, 2008
- “What’s at Stake in Election 2008?” University of Wisconsin-Madison, Pyle Center, September 20, 1008
- “The Future of Democracy,” SUNY Geneseo, September 15, 2008.
- Launch of Project ELECT, Educating Learners to Engage in Civics Today, organized by the Hillsborough County School District, Tampa, Florida, January 31, 2008
- Lunchtime plenary speech at the 7th International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Tampa, Florida, Oct. 7, 2007
- Release of America’s Civic Health Index 2007, National Archives Building, Washington, DC, Oct. 4, 2007
- “Youth Civic Engagement,” keynote speech at the Cluster VII meeting, Fairfax County (VA) Public Schools, August 3, 2007
- “The Civic Mission of Schools after Four Years,” keynote address for the 7th Annual R. Freeman Butts Institute on Civic Learning in Teacher Education, Indianapolis, May 18, 2007
- “American Grassroots Democracy and Civil Society,” keynote for United States State Department International Visitor Leadership Program, Washington, DC, May 3, 2007
- “Service-Learning: Why We Do It, and How to Show it Works,” Learn & Serve America Grantee Meeting, Hilton Washington Dulles Airport, November 1, 2006.
- “Youth Civic Engagement: Why and How?” Summit of National Youth Leadership Organizations, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Washington, DC, September 15, 2006.
- “The Civic Mission of Higher Education,” keynote at a conference on “TCU and Fort Worth: An Agenda for Collaboration,” Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, TX, January 28, 2006
- “Education for Democratic Citizenship,” Congreso Internacional de EducaRed III, Madrid, November 4, 2005.
- “The Civic Mission of Schools,” plenary speech, Professional Association of Georgia Educators (PAGE) summer conference, Gwinnett County, GA, June 25, 2005.
- “Six Promising Approaches to Civic Education,” keynote address, Second Annual Conference on Democracy Education, Madison, WI, Nov. 30, 2004.
- “Civic Mission of Schools,” a general session at a conference hosted by the South Carolina Bar Association for the South Carolina Council for the Social Studies, Greenville, SC, Sept. 23, 2004.
- “Using Recent Civic Research for State Center Development,” speech at the Youth For Justice State Directors Meeting, Sept. 10, 2004.
- “The Civic Mission of Schools and a Research Agenda,” keynote address, International Conference on Civic Education Research, New Orleans, Nov. 16, 2003
- “Service-Learning Research and the Movement for Youth Civic Engagement,” keynote address, Third Annual International Service-Learning Research Conference, Salt Lake City, Nov. 7, 2003
- “On the Civic Mission of Schools,” speech at the Youth For Justice State Directors Meeting, Sept. 12, 2003.
- Plenary speech on the subject of “World Wide Web Resources” at the Institute for Community Health Symposium, “Using Technologies that Work,” April 26, 2001
Conferences organized
- Generous Listening in Organizations: an international research symposium, in partnership with the Vuslat Foundation, Tufts University, August 8-10, 2023.
- Annually from 2009-2024, except 2019-20, Frontiers of Democracy, a conference for civic renewal at Tufts University’s Tisch College. Frontiers lasts for three days in June or July and draws about 140 activists, scholars, advanced students, and policymakers from multiple countries.
- 1st Annual Workshop on Methods for Teaching Ethics in Data Science, Tufts University and online, May 2, 2023
- Tufts COVID-19 Research Symposium, Nov. 17-18, 2020 (planning committee; panel moderator)
- (with several others), “Educating for American Democracy: Teaching Civics Today,” Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, Feb. 4, 2020
- (with several others) Deliberative Democracy Consortium Research & Practice Meeting on Deliberative Democracy and Human Cognition, Washington, DC, Oct 30-31, 2019
- “Tolerance, Citizenship, and the Open Society,” at Tisch College, March 21-22, 2019.
- (with iCivics, the Safra Center, and the Civic Engagement Research Group), Civic Learning Impact and Measurement Convening, Facebook (Menlo Park, CA), Jan 10-12, 2019
- (with Danielle Allen and the staff of the Safra Center), A National Convening on Civic Education, Harvard, May 17-18, 2018
- Co-organized with iCivics, the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, and the Florida Joint Center on Citizenship: Democracy at a Crossroads. At the Newseum in Washington, DC, Sept. 21, 2017, with remarks by Justice Sonia Sotomayor, Judy Woodruff of PBS NewsHour, former U.S. Secretary of Education John B. King Jr., former NBA star Shane Battier, and others.
- The National Conference on Citizenship, Washington, DC, Oct. 13-14, 2016 (with NCoC and Tisch College staff)
- Educating for Democracy, a convening co-sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Generation Citizen, CIRCLE, the Campaign for Civic Mission of Schools, the Spencer Foundation, and UCLA’s Institute for Democracy, Education, and Access, Jan. 23, 2015
- Civic Learning and National Service Summit, co-organized with the White House Office of Innovation and Civic Participation, the U.S. Department of Education, and the Corporation for National and Community Service. At the Tisch College of Citizenship and Public Service at Tufts University, Oct 16, 2014
- “Youth in Elections,” National Press Club Newsmakers’ press conference, Oct. 9, 2013
- Co-organized with American Enterprise Institute and others, “Metrics in Civic Education Professional Development,” American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, Sept. 22, 2011
- National Action Civics Conference, Chicago, June 10-11, 2011 (with a group of colleagues)
- “Federal Policy and Civic Skills,” National Press Club, Washington, DC, April 29, 2010 (with 75 participants, five panels, and 21 speakers)
- The Obama Administration’s Civic Agenda After Six Months,” Tisch College, Tufts University, July 24, 2009, broadcast nationally by C-SPAN
- Co-organizer (with James Youniss), “Civic Engagement of Non-College Attending Youth,” at the Spencer Foundation, March 25-25, 2009
- Co-organizer (with colleagues at Brandeis and Berkeley), Service-Learning Emerging Scholars Work-in-Progress Seminar, College Park, MD, June 14-16, 2007. Second meeting at Brandeis, June 15-17, 2008.
- Co-organizer (with Rhode Island Campus Compact and Brandeis University), “Program Evaluation and Community-Based Research Conference,” Providence College, June 7, 2007, and “Learn & Serve America Grantees Meeting,” Bryant University, June 8, 2007
- Co-organizer (with a team of colleagues), Democracy Imperative conference, University of New Hampshire, June 3-6, 2007
- Co-organizer (with colleagues from Penn State and Oregon State and the Spencer Foundation) of “Youth Civic Engagement Research,” Spencer Foundation, Chicago, May 29-30, 2007.
- Faculty meeting on civic engagement, Oglethorpe University (Atlanta), January 18, 2006
- Maryland Civic Literacy Summit, Annapolis, MD, Jan. 4, 2007. Convened by act of the State Assembly and co-organized by CIRCLE and the Maryland State Department of Education
- Press conference on the Civic and Political Health of the Nation (followed by a forum for practitioners), National Press Club, Washington, DC, Oct 3, 2006
- Co-organizer (with CIRCLE staff), “Immigrant Youth Civic Engagement,” a conference at the New School University in New York City, April 25, 2006
- Co-organizer (with James Youniss), conference on “Federal Policy for Civic Education.” Washington, DC, Feb. 14, 2006
- Organizer, CIRCLE conference on “Alternatives to Large, Traditional High Schools: Can They Enhance Students’ Preparation for Work, College, and Democracy?” National Press Club, July 6, 2005. Covered by C-SPAN.
- Co-organizer (with James Youniss), “Youth and Political Participation,” conference at the Life-Cycle Institute, Catholic University, March 18-19, 2005.
- Advisory Committee member for the Second Annual Congressional Conference on Civic Education, sponsored by the Majority and Minority Leaders of the US House and Senate and organized by the Alliance for Representative Democracy (2004)
- Co-organizer (with Rose Marie Nierras), session on “Advocacy and Deliberation” at the Deliberative Democracy Consortium/LogoLink Partners meeting in Washington, DC, June 11, 2004 (participants were activists from nine northern and southern countries).
- Organizer, Youth Voting Research Meeting: convened leading researchers on the mobilization of young voters, plus leading nonpartisan organizations committed to getting out the youth vote–30 in all (Jan. 5, 2004)
- Organizing committee for the Researcher & Practitioner Conference of the Deliberative Democracy Consortium, (Oct., 22-24, 2003)
- Advisory Committee member for the First Annual Congressional Conference on Civic Education (2003)
- Planning committee for the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools’ preliminary meeting (May 2, 2003) and first Steering Committee retreat (Oct. 2-3,2003).
- Co-organizer and co-moderator (with Cynthia Gibson) of two conferences on “School-Based Civic Education at the k-12 Level,” sponsored by CIRCLE, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, and the Corporation for National and Community Service: Oct. 7-8 and December 10, 2002. These conferences convened researchers and practitioners to develop a consensus statement that was ultimately published as The Civic Mission of Schools (2003).
- Co-organizer of a conference on “Building the E-Commons,” funded by the Ford Foundation’s Education, Media, Arts & Culture Program (Washington, DC, June 1-2, 2001). This conference brought together leading experts and stakeholders from politics, public broadcasting, landgrant universities, libraries, and other sectors to begin designing a Public Telecommunications Service.
- Organizer of a conference on “Community Learning Styles,” sponsored by the Charles Kettering Foundation and the Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy (Washington, DC, June 25, 2001).
- Organizing committee member and session moderator for a conference on “The Expressive Dimension of Governmental Action: Philosophical and Legal Perspectives,” University of Maryland School of Law, October 13-14, 2000
Invited talks and presentations
- Chair, “Innovations and Theories for Public Engagement panel,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Sept. 5, 2024
- Discussant/co-organizer, “Cutting Edge Community Empowerment through Civically Engaged Research: A Roundtable Discussion and Panel,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Sept 5, 2024
- Presenter, “Political Science’s Role in the Educating for American Democracy Roadmap,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Sept. 6, 2024
- Presenter, “Revisiting Elinor Ostrom’s Presidential Address,” in “Political Theorists on Civic Education,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Sept. 7, 2024
- Presenter, “Revitalizing American Democracy: The Role of National Service in Fostering a Healthy Civic Culture,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Sept. 7, 2024.
- The Future of the American University: Civic Education, Past and Present, “Civic Education in the Contemporary University,” American Enterprise Institution, Washington, DC. (May 2024).
- “An Association as a Belief Betwork and Social Network,” Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago (virtual presentation). (April 2024).
- Levine, P. L. (Presenter), Citizenship in the 21st Century University, “Civic Studies at Tufts,” Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Palo Alto. (April 2024).
- Innovating Democratic Participation Luncheon Series, “Inclusiveness in Participation,” Harvard Ash Institute, Cambridge MA. (March 2024).
- Panel on Political Networks, Public Opinion, and Political Communication (discussant), Midwest Political Science Association, April 4 (Chicago; virtual)
- “How to handle the hot debates about teaching history in US schools,” webinar with facuty of Cerritos College, College of the Canyons, Los Angeles City College, Cal State Dominguez Hills, Cal State Los Angeles, and Cal State Northridge, Nov. 17, 2023
- “People Are Not Points in Space: Opinions and Discussions as Networks of Ideas,” Institute H21 International Symposium, Prague, Czechia, Sept. 15, 2023
- Cívicamente: cómo se gobierna la gente: ¿qué debemos hacer?” Seminario Internacional sobre Investigaciones Participativas con Impacto Político, Universidad Rey Juan Carlo, May 12, 2023
- “Analyzing Political Opinions and Discussions as Networks of Ideas,” Facultad de Humanidades, Comunicación y Documentación, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, May 10, 2023
- International hearing on democracy-promoting pedagogy, Deutsches Jugendinstitut (online), March 3, 2023
- Panel on School/College Alignment, Civic Learning for an Engaged Democracy conference, online, Dec. 14, 2022
- Book talk for the American Society for Public Administration (webinar), Nov. 22, 2022
- “A Path to Healing Our Democracy,” Citizens Campaign panel, Trinity Church, New York City, Nov 14, 2022
- John Green, Sarah Shugars, Nic Fishman, and Peter Levine, “Measuring Belief Systems as Directed Networks of Attitudes,” American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Sept. 15, 2022
- (poster) Nathan Kim, Thomas Stopka, Elyssa Annesser, and Peter Levine, “Household Conditions, COVID-19, and Equity: Insight from Two Nationally Representative Surveys,” American Public Health Association, Nov. 6-9, 2022
- Green, Jonathan, Shugars, Sarah, Fishman, Nic & Levine, Peter, “Measuring Belief Systems as Directed Networks of Attitudes,” Midwest Political Science Association Conference (Chicago and online), April 9, 2022
- “Social Movements and Transformative Learning,” International Transformative Learning Conference (online), April 8, 2022
- Distinguished Lecture, Military Child Education Coalition National Training Seminar, July 20, 2021 (online)
- “The Crises of the Republic: Comparing Four Threats and The Upswing“: organizer and moderator of a panel with Robert Putnam, Robert Lieberman, Suzanne Mettler, and Dianne Pinderhughes, American Political Science Association, Oct 2, 2021 (online)
- “Civic Education vs. Politische Bildung: A Discussion of Concepts, Infrastructure, and Approaches in the US and Germany,” Transatlantic Exchange of Civic Educators (TECE), April 20, 2021 (online)
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal to Revive our Democracy,” Mass. Humanities public webinar, Dec. 10, 2020
- Mass. Humanities “Let’s Talk about our Democracy” series, “Threats to our Democracy in Historical Context, Nov 19, 2020 (online)
- Civic Education Virtual Roundtable (with Danielle Allen and Louise Dube), the Brennan Center, Nov. 18, 2020
- Governing the Commons: 30 Years Later: A Virtual Symposium hosted by The Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University, panelist, October 2, 2020
- Johns Hopkins University Webinar: Introduction to The Social Studies Knowledge Map (discussant), Johns Hopkins University, Sept 29, 2020
- SNF Agora Conversation, Four Threats to American Democracy, Johns Hopkins University (moderator of a virtual discussion), September 25, 2020
- “Why do we Need Diversity in Civic Education,” webinar for the Maine Department of Education, May 27, 2020
- “A Civic Silver Lining?” public webinar hosted by the Former Members of Congress Association with Dennis Ross (R-FL), mayors Nan Whaley (D-Dayton), Francis Suarez (R-Miami) and Marty Walsh (D-Boston), and me, May 26, 2020.
- “Innovative Broadly-Engaged Team Science Tools, Methods, and Frameworks” (panel), Tufts Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute Translational Research Day, March 6, 2020.
- “Higher Education’s Role in Engaging Students in Civic Learning and Democratic Practice” (symposium), University of New Hampshire, Feb. 21, 2020.
- Panel chair and organizer, “Can Human Beings Deliberate?”, Deliberative Democracy Consortium Research & Practice Meeting on Deliberative Democracy and Human Cognition, Washington, DC, Oct. 31, 2019
- “Work, Play, and Civic Engagement,” Ludics Seminar, Mahindra Humanities Center, Harvard, Oct. 28, 2o19
- “Why We Need SPUD (Scale, Pluralism, Unity and Depth),” luncheon lecture, Civic Engagement Leadership Research Conference, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT, Oct. 24, 2019.
- “Universidad como agente generador de ciudadanía,” Ciclo Iberoamericano de Estudios Cívicos, Madrid, July 10, 2019
- “Civic Engagement Since the Mid-20th Century,” at the American Studies Summer Institute, John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, Boston, July 8, 2019
- The Political Thought of Gandhi,” YPOx: Stories from the Front talk at the PAN Peace Summit, Boston, June 12, 2019
- “Crowd-Sourcing a System Map to Guide an Advocacy Coalition” (paper), at Philanthropy & Social Impact: A Symposium, USC Center on Philanthropy & Public Policy, Los Angeles, CA, March 16, 2019
- Panel on ethics at a conference on “Empathy …. or Ways of Caring,” Harvard Department of Romance Languages and Literatures, March 15, 2019
- “Civic Education: Is There Common Ground?” (panel), American Federation of Teachers Albert Shanker Institute, Washington, DC, March 13, 2019
- “What can, and should, we measure at scale?” (panel), Civic Learning Impact and Measurement Convening, Facebook (Menlo Park, CA), Jan 10-12, 2019
- “Pao Arts Center Collaboration,” Cases for Culture Workshop, Harvard Business School, Dec. 4, 2018
- “Responding to the Challenges of Civic Learning: Lessons from Civic Theory and Practice,” The Hastings Center, Nov. 17, 2018.
- Bridge Alliance National Partners Summit, closing remarks, Washington, DC, Oct. 17, 2018
- “Civic Education,” Council of Chief State School Officers’ State Collaborative on Assessment and Student Standards (SCASS), Boston, Oct. 16, 2018
- Data-Driven Strategies to Promote Youth Turnout: discussant (MIT, August 28, 2108)
- “Loyalty and Complicity for Citizens” (revised title), Social Ontology 2018 Conference, Tufts University, August 23, 2018
- “What Should We Do? The Bloomington School and the Citizen’s Core Question,” Symposium on Tensions in the Political Economy Project of Elinor C. Ostrom, Mercatus Center, George Mason University, July 31, 2018
- “Evaluation of the Civic Education Pilot,” Kyiv, Ukraine, July 6, 2018
- “Identity, Agency and the Power of Story: Meeting the Civic Challenges?”: panel responding to a keynote address by Helen Haste, Creating Civic Competence: the Critical Challenges, Harvard, May 3-4, 2018
- Exploring Civic Learning as a Pathway to Equity and Opportunity” (panel) at a conference organized by the National Conference on Citizenship and Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement, Washington, DC, March 1, 2018
- “What Should We Do? The Bloomington School, Deliberative Democracy, Nonviolent Resistance, and the Citizen’s Core Question,” 2017 Conference on Voluntary Governance, Michigan State University, Dec. 3, 2017
- “What can Academics Do for Practitioners, What Can Academics Gain from Practitioners?” (panel), Moving Redistricting Reform meeting, Harvard Kennedy School, Nov. 9, 2017
- Policy Innovation (panel) at Democracy at a Crossroads, the Newseum in Washington, DC, Sept. 21, 2017
- “Politics without Partisanship: Navigating Controversial Issue Discussions in a Time of Polarization,” Massachusetts Civics Literacy Conference, Boston, May 8, 2017
- John Dewey Society Symposium: “Creative Democracy: Democratic Education in the Era of Clinton v. Trump” (panel), San Antonio, April 27 2017
- “The Hollowing Out of US Democracy,” University of Southern California, April 19, 2017
- “Modeling Moral Thought in Network Terms,”Association for Moral Education, Harvard University, Dec. 9, 2016
- Moderator, “The Future of the Field” plenary panel, Association for Moral Education, Harvard University, Dec. 9, 2016
- “Authors-meet-critics: Dilemmas of educational ethics” (panelist), Association for Moral Education, Harvard University, Dec. 8, 2016
- “How Automatic Voter Registration Can Transform Democracy,” Suffolk University School of Law, Nov. 29, 2016.
- “Civic Media: Technology, Design, Practice,” (panelist), Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society at Harvard University November 16, 2016
- “What can teachers do to encourage their students to engage in political participation? (session), Teaching about the 2016 Elections Conference, Madison, WI, Sept. 24, 2016
- “Taking Informed Action” (session organizer and facilitator), First Annual Massachusetts Civics Literacy Conference, Boston, May 23, 2016
- “Taking Informed Action” (session organizer, presenter, and facilitator), New York State Council for the Social Studies Annual Meeting, Albany, NY, March 31, 2016
- “Systems Change and Culture of Health” (panel), Sharing Knowledge to Build a Culture of Health Conference, Baltimore, MD, March 10, 2016
- Youth voting presentation, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Feb. 10, 2016
- “Foundations” panel at the Boston Civic Media conference, Cambridge, MA, June 9, 2015
- “Youth Disaffection from Politics: The US Case,” at the Coloquio Internacional ¿Hacia dónde vamos? Desafección política y gobernabilidad, un reto político, Banco de Desarrollo de América Latina (CAF) and Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, June 3, 2015
- “Democracy in the Digital Age,” at “Redes sociales y ciudadanía activa. Retos de la educación en la era digital,” Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo, Valencia, June 1, 2015
- Sessions at the 2014 National Council for the Social Studies conference: “Exploring Multiple Methods of Quantitative Research” (panelist), “New Research on Pedagogical Practices of Highly Effective Civics Teachers” (panelist); “How to Accomplish Taking Informed Action” (moderator). Boston, Nov. 20-22, 2014
- “Beyond the Buzz: What Citizen Engagement Strategies are Really Working” (panel), CityLab 2014, Los Angeles, Sept. 30, 2014
- “What Should We Do as Citizens? How to Think About Changing Society,” Brigham Young University (Provo, UT), Sept 25, 2014
- Panel on Civic Education after the Digital Revolution, American Political Association, Washington, DC, August 29, 2014
- “The Bloomington School and Civic Studies,” at the Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN June 21, 2014
- Panel on civic education at the Southeastern Chapter of the American Board of Trial Advocates (ABOTA), Nashville, May 3, 2014
- Panel on “best practices in civic engagement across two- and four- year colleges,” Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, April 5th 2014
- “State of the Research,” at “Service as a Strategy to Advance the Educational Potential of Low- and Moderate-Income Youth,” a meeting sponsored by America Forward, Be the Change, ServiceNation, and OpportunityNation, Washington, DC, Feb 21, 2014
- “Deliberation in the Classroom” (professional development day for Chicago Public Schools teachers), Chicago, Jan 24, 2014
- “We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For” (book talk), Teaching for Change/Busboys & Poets, Washington, DC Jan 22, 2014
- Author Meets Critics panel for We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For, Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Jan 20, 2014
- “What is Civic Studies” panel (as part of a Civic Studies Miniconference), Southern Political Science Association, New Orleans, Jan 20, 2014
- “Measuring Civic Engagement” (panel), New England Association of Schools and Colleges convention, Boston, MA, Dec. 4, 2013
- “Civics in the C3 Framework” (solo session), National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, Nov. 23, 2013
- “New and Exciting Research to Inform Civic Learning Classroom Practices” (panelist), National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO, Nov. 22, 2013
- “Rethinking Foundations of Youth Engagement: Challenges and Possibilities of Young Citizen Engagement in Research and Practice” (panelist), National Communication Association Conference, Washington, DC, Nov. 21, 2013
- Book talk on We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For, Hood College in Frederick, MD, Nov. 20, 2013
- “Engagement, Through Thick and Thin,” Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement (PACE) convening, Pocantico, NY, Oct 28, 2013
- “The State of Civic Education Today” (panelist), American Board of Trial Advocates Forum, Austin, TX, Oct. 12, 2013
- “The Promise of Civic Renewal,” Civic Media Lunch, MIT Media Lab, Oct. 10, 2013
- “What We Must Do for Civics,” National Conference on Citizenship, Sept. 20, 2013
- “Power and Persuasion from Below: Civic Renewal, Youth Engagement, and the Case for Civic Studies” (Presidential Theme Panel, chair and presenter) American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Aug 30, 2013
- Roundtable: The Measurement and Assessment of Civic Learning in K -12 and College Education, American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, Aug 31, 2013
- APSA Working Group on Young People’s Politics (co-convenor with James Sloam, Royal Holloway, University of London, American Political Science Association, Chicago, IL, August 29, 30 and 31, 2013
- “Connecting for Good: How Colleges and Universities Can Work Together to Improve Connecticut’s Civic & Economic Health,” Connecticut Campus Compact’s Inaugural Presidents’ Leadership Summit, Yale University, September 13, 2013
- “Civic Renewal,” YMCA National Leadership Symposium, Claremont Graduate University, Claremont, CA, April 3-5, 2013
- “Knowledge: What Should Young Americans Know about Democracy?” (panel) at “Civics Education: Why it Matters to Democracy, Society and You,” a conference co-sponsored by the Harvard Law School, The Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, and Harvard Graduate School of Education, Harvard, April 1, 2013
- “Assessment of Student Learning in Community Engagement” and “Civic Engagement and Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication” (two workshops), North Carolina Campus Compact Civic Engagement Institute, Elon, NC, February 12, 2013
- “How do we do Civic Education in Higher Education?” (workshop), Pathways to Achieving Civic Engagement (PACE) Conference, Elon, NC, February 13, 2013
- “Using Evidence to Promote Engaged Learning and Student Well-Being” (panel), American Association of Colleges & Universities annual conference, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 25, 2013
- “Education, Citizenship, and Democracy” (panel), Netter Center, University of Pennsylvania, Nov. 12, 2012
- “The Modern University” (panel), National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Science, Technology, and Law, Woods Hole, MA, Oct 23, 2013
- “Engaged Citizenship, Civil Society and Social Justice,” Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, Oct. 5, 2012
- “Exploring the Link Between Civic Engagement and Unemployment” (panel), National Conference on Citizenship, Philadelphia, PA, Sept. 14, 2012
- “No Citizen Left Behind Book Talk,” Harvard Graduate School of Education, April 25, 2012 (moderator)
- Invited testimony on measuring civic engagement before the National Academies of Science, Committee on National Statistics (CNSTAT), March 1, 2012
- “Teaching America: The Case for Civic Education” (panel), The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, Jan. 9, 2012
- “The Fate of Civic Education in a Connected World: A ‘Fred Friendly’ Seminar,” Berkman Center, Harvard Law School, December 5, 2011
- “Civic Scholarship and a Field of Civic Studies,” Bringing Theory to Practice National Civic Seminar, Wye River (MD), November 4, 2011
- “Education for Civil Society,” presented at Civics 2.0: Citizenship Education for a New Generation conference, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, October 20, 2011
- “How Ethical Particularism Saves the Enlightenment Ideal,” conference on Self Among Selves: Emotion and the Common Life, Maxwell School, Syracuse University, Sept. 30, 2011
- “Civic Commonsense: The Civic Mission of Schools (panel), 66th Annual National Conference on Citizenship, Philadelphia, PA, September 15, 2011
- “Making the Connections” (panel on relationships among engaged learning, civic engagement, and psychosocial well-being), Bringing Theory to Practice National Retrieval Conference, Washington, DC, June 13, 2011
- The Case for Action Civics (panel), National Action Civics Conference, Chicago, June 10, 2011
- “The Information Needs of Communities,” BiblioNews conference, MIT, April 7, 2011
- “Program Assessment and Metrics,” American Enterprise Institute conference on Best Practices in Civic Education Programs, Montpelier, VA, March 23, 2011
- “What is the Role of Public Education in Youth Civic Engagement?” (panelist), CUNY Graduate School, New York City, March 17, 2011
- “If They Protest, Have We Succeeded?” (panelist), Harvard Graduate School of Education, March 8, 2011
- “Civic Engagement and Higher Education in the United States: What Do College Students Gain From Civic Engagement Experiences?” The New School University, New York City, Feb. 9, 2011 (co-presenter with Constance Flanagan, University of Wisconsin)
- National Conference on Citizenship Civic Innovators Forum, “The Foundation of BIG Citizenship: Citizen-Centered Solutions” (moderator) and “An Evolving Relationship: How Philanthropy and the Executive Branch Work Together to Promote Civic Engagement” (panelist), Washington, DC Sept 16, 2010
- Invited participant, session leader at the Aspen Institute Forum on Communications and Society (FOCAS), August 16-18, 2010
- “Conceptions of Citizenship Online,” American Democracy Project Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, June 19, 2010
- “Reflections on Labor Disputes and Teachable Moments” (moderator of a plenary session organized because the conference hotel came under union boycott), American Democracy Project Annual Meeting, Providence, RI, June 19, 2010
- “Reforming the Humanities,” Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Faculdade de Letras, University of Lisbon, Portugal, May 20, 2010.
- “Civics: What are We Teaching Our Children and Our Teachers,” American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC, April 23, 2010
- Panel discussion: “Civic Identity Development in Adolescence: Theoretical, Empirical, Normative, and Practical Issues,” Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, March 13, 2010
- Discussant, panel on “Features of the Learning Environment That Promote Student Voice,” Society for Research on Adolescence, Philadelphia, March 12, 2010
- “The Civic Mission of Schools,” National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, Nov. 13, 2009
- “Youth in Action,” Learn & Serve America Grantees Conference, Arlington, VA, October 15, 2009
- “Everybody can Serve,” National Conference on Volunteering and Service, San Francisco, June 23, 2009
- Presidential Session: “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Democratic Citizenship, Civic Learning, and Youth Political Participation,” American Education Research Association Conference, San Diego, April 15, 2009
- (With Constance Flanagan) “Young Adults and Civic Engagement,” Future of Children Transition to Adulthood Conference, Princeton University, April 2, 2009
- “The Millennial Pendulum,” talk at the New America Foundation event on “The Latest Generation: The Unique Outlook of ‘Millennials’ and How They Will Reshape America,” February 18, 2009, broadcast on C-SPAN II.
- “Political Participation among Young Voters,” Annette Strauss Institute, New Politics Institute, Austin, TX, Nov. 15, 2008
- Discussant on Jeffrey Henig’s talk about charter schools, Inaugural Conference of the Mosakowski Institute for Public Enterprise, Clark University, Worcester, MA, Nov. 13, 2008
- “What Happens on November 5th? Activiting Citizenship (No Matter Who Wins),” Bates College Harwood Center Civic Forum, Sept. 24, 2008
- “America’s Civic Health Index 2008? National Conference on Citizenship, National Archives, Washington, DC, Sept. 22, 2008
- “Measuring the Impact of Youth Voluntary Service (discussant/presenter), The World Bank, Washington, DC, May 8, 2008
- “The Purpose of the University” (panel), Hillel National Summit on the University and the Jewish Community, Washington, March 27, 2008
- “Millennials Talk Politics” (panel), NASPA (Student Affairs Professionals) 2008 Annual Conference, Boston, March 10, 2008
- “Who Knows Best How to Educate You for Citizenship?” Syracuse University, February 18, 2008
- “Building Citizen Competence,” World Bank conference on “Generating Genuine Demand with Social Accountability Mechanisms,” Paris, November 1, 2007
- “Assessing Civic Learning: What Do We Know about What Students Know?” (panel), American Association of Colleges & Universities, Networking for Academic Renewal Conference, Denver, CO, Oct. 19, 2007
- “Politics and the Internet: Medium of Maximum Individual Choice,” Federal Library and Information Center Committee (FLICC) forum on Social Computing and the Process of Governance, Library of Congress, Washington, DC, Oct. 12, 2007
- “Classroom Teaching Practices and Student Civic Engagement–New Evidence from the 2006 Civic and Political Health of the Nation Survey,” 7th International
Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Tampa, Florida, Oct. 7, 2007 - “K-12 Civic Education and Service-Learning – An Introduction to the Current Literature, Resources and Tools,” 7th International Research Conference on Service-Learning and Community Engagement, Tampa, Florida, Oct. 6, 2007
- “Opportunities for Youth Civic Development,” plenary panel (with James Youniss), Learn & Serve America Grantees Meeting, Arlington, VA September 27, 2007
- “The Rationale for Service-Learning,” PANIM’s National Educators’ Institute for Jewish Service-Learning, College Park, MD, August 19, 2007
- “Issue-Based Civic Education,” presentation at the Council for Citizenship Education, Washington, DC, August 2, 2007
- “The Future of Democracy” (book launch with a speech), Council for Excellence in Government, Washington, DC, July 26, 2007
- “From Periodic Projects to Lasting Solutions: Citizen-Centered Civic Engagement” (panelist), National Conference on Volunteering and Service, Philadelphia, July 16, 2007
- “A New Progressive Era?” Labor and Employment Relations Association National Policy Forum, Washington, DC, June 14, 2007
- “Democracy in Action,” cyzygy ’07 (the City Year national convention), St. Anselm’s College, Manchester, New Hampshire, June 12, 2007
- “America’s Civic Health Index,” Pennsylvania State University, April 14, 2007
- “Research on Civic Engagement,” Tufts University, February 9, 2007
- “Civic Renewal: Some Issues in Moral Philosophy and Political Practice,” Duke University, January 30, 2007
- Panels on public policy and on youth voting at the Fourth Annual Congressional Conference on Civic Education, Washington, DC, November 19 and 20, 2006.
- Closing plenary panel, Campus Compact’s 20th Anniversary Visioning Summit, Chicago, Oct 17, 2006
- “Policies for Civic Education,” University of Georgia (conference on “Youth Indifference to the News”), Oct. 10, 2006.
- “The State of Civic Health,” President’s Council on Service and Civic Participation, Washington, DC 2006, Oct. 12, 2006
- “The Civic and Political Health of the Nation,” National Press Club, Oct. 3, 2006.
- Upper Midwest Campus Compact/Spencer Foundation meeting on civic engagement in higher education: facilitated a plenary discussion of research: Madison, WI, April 28, 2006.
- Society for Research on Adolescence, panel on “Civic Engagement in Minority and Immigrant Youth” (discussant), San Francisco, March 26, 2006.
- Launch of the National Advisory Council of the Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools, National Press Club, Washington, DC, April 17, 2006. I spoke along with Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, Gov. Roy Romer, and others. The event was televised by C-SPAN and covered in a nationally syndicated column by David Broder.
- “The Arts of Patriotism: Difficult Dialogues”: panel presentation at the Annual Conference of Imagining America, New Brunswick, NJ, Oct. 1, 2005.
- “Latest Research on Civic Education,” Third Annual Congressional Conference on Civic Education, Washington, DC, Sept. 26, 2005.
- “Civic Education,” presentation to the American Bar Association Commission on Civic Education and the Separation of Powers, Washington, DC, Sept. 15, 2005.
- “The National Perspective”: presentation at a conference on Rethinking Civics Education: The Third Branch in American Democracy, hosted by the Judicial Conference of California, WestEd, and WGBH-Boston, San Francisco, April 28, 2005.
- “The Problem of Online Misinformation and the Role of Schools,” conference on Fast Communication and Quality of Information, University of Tilburg (Netherlands), December 21, 2004.
- Panel moderator, session on research, Second Annual Congressional Conference on Civic Education, Washington, DC, Dec. 6, 2004.
- “The Prince George’s County Information Commons,” American Library Association Workshop on Libraries and the Information Commons, Cerritos, CA, Oct. 29-31,
2004. - “Youth in Politics” panelist, National Symposium of Youth Civic Engagement, University of Virginia Center for Politics, Charlottesville, VA, September 14,
2004. - “Best Practices Supported by Research,” at the Summer Institute of the Annenberg Foundation Civic Education Initiative, Washington, July 19, 2004
- “Kids, Communities, and the ‘Scholarly Communication Commons’”, presented at the Workshop on Scholarly Communication as a Commons, Workshop in Political
Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, March 31-April 2, 2004. - Panel presentation on the civic mission of higher education, at a Conference on “Public Work in Higher Education: Theory and Practice of Civic Engagement,”
University of Minnesota, March 18, 2004 - “The Latest Studies on Youth Civic Engagement and Voting,” presentation at the National Association of Secretaries of State New Millennium Young Voters
Summit, Washington, DC, February 17, 2004. - “The Civic Mission of Schools and Higher Education,” presentation at the national Learn & Serve America grantees meeting, Washington, Dec. 10, 2003
- Presentation on The Civic Mission of Schools, U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools National Conference on “Meeting the Challenge: The Science and Practice of Safe and Drug-Free Schools,” Oct. 27, 2003
- Panelist, First Annual Congressional Conference on Civic Education, Sept. 22, 2003
- Panel moderator, National Conference on Citizenship 50th Anniversary Meeting, Sept. 16, 2003
- “Evidence About Civic Education in Schools: A Researcher-Practitioner Dialogue,” Annual Scientific Meeting, International Society of Political Psychology, July 8, 2003
- “Building the Electronic Commons,” Center for the Study of Law and Society Luncheon Series, co-sponsored by the Berkeley Center for Law and Technology, Boalt Hall School of Law, University of California Berkeley, April 21, 2003.
- Presentation on youth civic engagement research, National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium conference, April 12, 2003.
- Panel presentation on the intellectual roots of deliberation at the Society for Values in Higher Education’s Conference on Discussion, Dialogue, and Deliberation, April 2, 2003.
- “Local Governments and Independent Civic Websites,” presentation at the American Society for Public Administration Annual Conference, February 17, 2003
- Remarks at the launch of the Civic Mission of Schools report, Willard Hotel, Washington, DC, February 13, 2003
- Panel chair for “Communitarian Approaches to Cyberspace” at the American Association of Law Schools Annual Meeting, January 4, 2003
- Panel presentation on a panel entitled “Philosophical Perspectives,” in a conference on The Rule of Law and the Information Age: Reconciling Private Rights and Public Interest, Catholic University Law School, Oct. 10, 2002
- CIRCLE press conference to release youth poll, National Press Club, March 4, 2002 (panelist)
- CIRCLE introductory press conference at the National Press Club, January 9, 2002 (speaker).
- Panelist at a session on engaging young voters, Bipartisan Conference of the Virginia House of Delegates, Staunton, VA, April 19-21, 2002
- “Building the E-Commons,” lecture in the Albert J. Shipka Speakers Series at Youngstown State University (Ohio), February 5, 2002.
- “The State of Civic Culture and Trust in the United States,” a presentation for the Civil Society Task Force (organized by Grupo Esquel), Washington, DC, September 22, 2000
- Formal comments on a paper (“Information Technology and the Social Construction of Information Policy”) presented at the “Accounting, Information Technology, and Public Policy” conference in College Park, August 12, 2000
- Briefing on civic renewal at the annual board meeting of the Kettering Foundation, June 2000.
- “Jane Addams’s Work,” lecture at Rutgers-Camden, November 17, 1999.
- “Index of National Civic Health”: presentation at the World Bank Conference on Civil Society, Foreign Aid and Sustainable Development, June 21, 1999
- “The Press in a Deliberative Democracy: On Public Journalism and its Critics,” invited paper delivered at the University of South Carolina College of Journalism and Mass Communication, October 13, 1998
- “Public Journalism”: presentation at a Maxwell School conference on citizenship and civil society, October 1995
“Peter Levine’s Weblog”: a “blog” on civic engagement, regular entries since January 2003. Received 84,000 unique visitors and 203,000 page views in 2020. Also author of posts on Medium, The Huffington Post, etc.
CIRCLE’s research has been cited in most national news organs, including The New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and Los Angeles Times. I have been interviewed on MSNBC, CNN, Al-Jazeera, CBS radio news, CBS television news, NPR’s “All Things Considered,” and many local television and radio programs. (Between July and November 2008, CIRCLE was cited in 1,253 newspaper, magazine, broadcast, or web stories, including 829 print media articles)
Other Professional Activities
- Expert report in New Yorkers for Students’ Educational Rights (“NYSER”), et al v. The State of New York (2021)
- Amicus brief in A.C., et al. v. Gina A, Raimondo et al., First Circuit Court of Appeals , Jan. 2021 (with several other authors)
- Expert report in Gilby v Hughs, February 2020
- Expert report in League of Women Voters of Florida v. Detzner, 2018
- Expert report in College Democrats at the University of Michigan, et al. v. Johnson, et al., 2018
- Expert witness in North Carolina N.A.A.C.P. v. McCrory. (Expert report written with Kei Kawashima-Ginsberg. Testimony in federal court on July 20, 2015)
- University of Missouri System, external review committee for Extension and Engagement, 2017
- Tufts Research and Scholarship Strategic Planning Steering Committee and chair of the Equity in Health, Wealth and Ciic Engagement Working Group, 2017-
- Tufts Research and Graduate Program Council, 2016-
- Tufts Data Intensive Studies Center, Advisory Committee member, 2016-
- Center for the Humanities at Tufts (CHaT) board, 2016-
- Tufts Institute for Innovation, Executive Committee member, 2014-16
- Tisch College Community Research Center, member, 2008-16
- Tufts University Research Day, Faculty Committee member, 2016
- Tufts University Committee for Teaching and Faculty Development, member, 2014
- Chair, external review committee, Duke University’s Kenan Institute of Ethics (2014)
- Search committees: University of Maryland School of Public Policy (chair); Tufts Dean of Arts & Sciences; Tufts University Data Intensive Studies Center, Newhouse Professor of Civic Studies (co-chair), Department of Public Health and Community Medicine (co-chair), CIRCLE (several); Tufts University Provost; Tisch College Dean
- Tenure or promotion reviews: Boston College, Bowling Green University, Harvard University, Loyola University of Chicago, MIT, Mississippi State, Michigan State, University of Colorado, University of Hartford, University of Kentucky, University of Massachusetts-Boston, University of Michigan, University of Mississippi, University of Texas, University of Wisconsin, etc.
- Journal and university press peer reviews: frequent.
- PhD committees: Seth Avakian, Northeastern; Diana Schor, Brandeis; Perri Leviss, UMass-Boston; Melissa Comber, Maryland; Steven Maloney, Maryland; Mary Fitzgerald, Maryland; Josh Littenberg-Tobias, Boston College; Tina Patterson, University of North Carolina; Erhardt Greaeff, MIT; Marilyn Price-Mitchell; Tina Won Sherman, Maryland; Jonas Brodin, Maryland; Lori Keleher, Maryland; Deb Bobek, Tufts; Sarah Shugars, Northeastern.
Grants and contracts
I have been Principal Investigator on 89 grants or contracts totaling $9.5-$10 million and the co-PI on three grants totaling $8 million.
Obtained at Tufts since 2018
American Political Science Association | APSA Institute of Civically Engaged Research | $80,000 (two annual grants) |
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations | Interfaith Civic Studies at Tufts and Beyond | $223,965 |
Charles F. Kettering Foundation | Postdoctoral Fellow in Civic Science | $208,000 (three years) |
Charles Koch Foundation | A conference on Tolerance, Citizenship and the Open Society | $50,000 |
Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education | Early Literacy Tutors | $194,308 |
Massachusetts Institute for a New Commonwealth (MassINC) | Report about the Massachusetts State Legislature | $10,000 |
National Endowment for the Humanities/US Department of Education | Educating for American Democracy | $80,000 subcontract; total grant = $650,000. I am a co-PI |
National Endowment for the Humanities | Civic Humanities and Decarceration | $150,000 |
Tufts (internal) | Equity in Health, Wealth, and Civic Engagement | $125,000 |
Obtained at Tufts University since July 2012
I oversaw CIRCLE and the Institute for Democracy and Higher Education as Associate Dean
American Association of University Women | NEA/AAUW Survey on Gender and Leadership | $7,500 |
Bill of Rights Institute (BORI) | Documents for Freedom evaluation | $56,500 |
Bringing Theory to Practice | campus dialog grant | $5,000 |
Center for Public Integrity (CPI) | Impact Evaluation of Media Influence on the Treatment of Money in Politics | $50,000 |
Close Up Foundation | Close Up Foundation formative evaluation | $18,000 |
Corporation for National and Community Service | Effects of national service on employment (renewed twice) | $301,715 |
Democracy Fund | News Literacy Education | $ 125,000 |
Democracy Fund | Monkey Cage blog series | $13,200 |
Democracy Fund with Knight Foundation and McCormick Foundation | Evaluation of the Online News Association | $50,000 |
DePauw Sub (Carnegie Corp. Prime) | Mapping the Humanities in Indiana | $40,000 |
Engelhard Foundation | Moving the Needle | $75,000 |
Ford Foundation via National Council for the Social Studies | planning grant | $10,000 |
Foundation for Civic Leadership | National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement (NSLVE) | $310,065 |
Foundation for Civic Leadership and The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation | National Study of Learning, Voting and Engagement (The PI reports to me; I am not the PI) | $853,875 |
Healthy Democracy, Inc. | Massachusetts Citizens Initiative Review | $25,000 |
Indiana Humanities Council | Indiana Humanities Council mapping project | $7,250 |
Jobs for the Future | Deeper Learning for Civic Engagement | $20,000 |
Knight Foundation | Generation Citizen evaluation | $95,900 |
Library of Congress | Interactive Civics | $7,500 |
National Conference on Leadership | NCoC Civic Health Index | $84,000 |
National Endowment for the Arts | Can the Arts Combat the Negative Effects of Gentrification | $20,000 |
Omidyar Network | Social Emotional Learning Planning Grant | $15,000 |
Omidyar Network | evaluation of several election-related initiatives | $295,000 |
Online News Association | Evaluation | $50,000 |
Points of Light Foundation | Service Works Program Evaluation | $ 25,000 |
Poynter Institute | PunditFact evaluation | $45,000 |
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation | Research on K-12 Education II | $175,000 |
Spencer Foundation | Evaluation of Illinois Professional Development | $50,000 |
Spencer Foundation | Civic Education, Youth Engagement, and Public Policy | $350,000 |
Spencer Foundation | How Teachers Address Inequality in Their Instruction | $25,000 |
State of Florida through University of South Florida | Partnership for Civic Learning | $ 50,000 |
Street Law, Inc. | Civic Education in Ukraine | $16,800 |
The Bernard and Audre Rapoport Foundation | Discretionary Voter Suppression and College Students | $47,162 |
The McCormick Foundation | Illinois Civic Mission of Schools coalition assessment | $15,000 |
The McCormick Foundation | National Survey of Civics Teachers | $30,000 |
The Nonzero Foundation | Bloggingheads evaluation (SRA) | $15,000 |
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation | Who Are the Most Civically Engaged Americans? | $50,000 |
Tides Foundation | youth voting survey | $100,000 |
Tufts Collaborates (internal) | Arts Combating Gentrification | $49,000 |
University of Central Florida, Lou Frey Institute | Partnership for Civic Learning | $50,000 |
US Dept of Ed. primed through Filament Games | Discussion Maker evaluation | $120,000 |
W.T Grant Foundation | Reducing Inequality through Youth Civic Empowerment | $125,000 |
WT Grant Foundation | Reducing Inequality through Youth Civic Enpowerment | $125,000 |
WT Grant Foundation | Engaging stakeholders | $25,000 |
Zussman & Silicon Valley Comm. Fund Gift | Social-Emotional Learning and Civic Engagement | $ 83,000 |
Grants and contracts at Tufts University during 2008-2012, for which I was Principal Investigator
Corporation for National and Community Service | Social network for college students | $570,000 |
Foundation for Civic Leadership | National Study of Learning, Voting, and Engagement | $310,000 |
US Department of Education (via University of Wisconsin prime) | Legislative Aide experiment | $110,000 |
Corporation for National and Community Service | Research on volunteerism | $128,000 |
Bridging Theory to Practice | Psychosocial determinants of civic engagement | $100,000 |
S.D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation | Research on Civic Education | $100,000 |
Next Generation Learning Challenge | iCivics evaluation | $82,714 |
National Conference on Citizenship | Civic Health Index | $80,000 |
Kettering Foundation | Research on non-college youth | $72,000 |
Spencer Foundation | Longitudinal Study of Controversial Issues Discussion in High Schools | $25,000 |
New America Foundation | Change and Stability in Perceptions of the Social Contract | $25,000 |
Corporation for National and Community Service (via Penn State) | Effects of AmeriCorps service | $25,000 |
Massachusetts Department of Education | Green in the Middle Evaluation | $29,104 |
Aspen Institute | White paper on civic communications | $20,000 |
Civic Enterprises LLC | “Civic Lives of Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation Enduring Freedom Veterans” | $20,000 |
Corporation for National and Community Service | Volunteer Service as a Development Opportunity | $18,000 |
Abt Associates | consulting on service-learning randomized field experiment | $10,492 |
Omidyar Network | Strategy memo | $5,000 |
Grants and contracts for which I was principal investigator at the University of Maryland (2006-08)
Carnegie Corporation of New York | General support (2006-7) | $1 million |
The Pew Charitable Trusts | General support (2005-6) | $1,310,450 |
Beldon Foundation, JEHT Foundation, Carnegie Corporation of New York, and Solidago Fund | Pooled fund for randomized field studies of voting | $250,000 |
Kettering Foundation (three grants) | College students and politics | $151,000 |
Ford Foundation | Narrowing of the K-12 curriculum | $100,000 |
National Conference on Citizenship (four contracts) | Civic health reports | $139,980 |
Kellogg Foundation (via Brandeis University prime) | Emerging scholars in service-learning | $44,000 |
Spencer Foundation | The Changing Transition to Adulthood | $49,070 |
Carnegie Corporation of New York | Meetings on developmental psychology and political science | $34,100 |
Case Foundation | Make it Your Own Award competition evaluation | $30,000 |
Bonner Foundation | Evaluation | $19,000 |
Tides Foundation | Precinct-level turnout study | $10,000 |
Deliberative Democracy Consortium | Research paper | $10,000 |
Generation Engage | Program evaluation | $5,000 |
Ford Foundation (coordinator, not PI) | Democracy Imperative project on the digital commons | $125,000 |
Grosvenor Fund, National Geographic Foundation | Community mapping project (2004) | $106,000 |
Kettering Foundation | Website on democratic theory for journalists | $35,500 |
The Florence and John Schumann Foundation | The New Progressive Era (book) | $30,000 |
Kettering Foundation | public engagement in Federal agencies (2001) | $15,000 |
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Overall PI was Anton Vedder, University of Tilburg | The Reliability of Medical Information on the Internet | 10,400 Euros |
Kettering Foundation | Oral history project | $9,700 |
Grants and contracts obtained for CIRCLE, when I was co-principal investigator and deputy director (2001-6)
The Pew Charitable Trusts | General operating support, 2001-5 | $4,570,000 |
The Pew Charitable Trusts | General operating support, 2006-7 | $2,980,000 |
Carnegie Corporation of New York | General operating support, 2001-5 | $500,000 |