At Tufts, I direct the major in Civic Studies.
My teaching experience includes the following:
- Introduction to Civic Studies: an undergraduate course, annually since 2018
- Introduction to Public Policy, undergraduate political science course, 2020, 2021, 2024
- The Political Philosophy of Dr. Martin Luther King, undergraduate seminar, 2020, 2021.
- Introduction to Philosophy, 2016 and 2017
- The annual Summer Institute of Civic Studies at the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Citizenship & Public Service (Tufts University), each year from 2009-2019. Enrolled graduate students, faculty, and activists from many countries.
- An annual European Summer Institute of Civic Studies, at Chernivtsi University (Ukraine) in 2015, Augsburg (Germany) in 2016, Chernivtsi in 2017, and the Munich area in 2018.
- A Tufts philosophy seminar, “PHIL-0020-01-Intro to Civic Studies,” offered in the spring of 2014.
- “Citizenship and Deliberative Democracy,” a seminar for professors at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico City, 2014.
- “Education for Active Citizenship,” a Tufts undergraduate course (2012).
- “Facebook, Social Networking, and Community Organizing,” an undergraduate course at Tufts (2009).
- High school classes on various civic topics, taught weekly between 2002 and 2007 at Northwestern High School in Hyattsville, MD.
- An interdisciplinary graduate proseminar on Politics, Philosophy, and Public Policy, co-taught (three times) with colleagues from Philosophy and Government and Politics at the University of Maryland.
- “Political Theory” and “Philosophy of Law,” two undergraduate lecture courses offered by the University of Maryland Philosophy Department in the late 1990s.
- A graduate seminar on “Information Technology Policy,” co-taught (twice) with Robert Wachbroit in the Maryland School of Public Affairs.
- “Wittgenstein and Moral Philosophy,” two continuing education seminars offered by Georgetown University in 1991-3
- Tutorials on Nietzsche and Schopenhauer offered through Brasenose College, Oxford, 1990-1.