
For one free annual subscription to this blog, what is wrong with the following passage from a front-page article in the Sunday New York Times? “Mr. Vald?z, a k a La Barbie, does not look like a monster. He gets his nickname, the authorities said, because he has the light complexion and blue eyes of a Ken doll.”

5 thoughts on “quiz

  1. Joseph Sinatra

    could it be that “la barbie” refers to a women because “la” is a feminine article in spanish. since they are referring to a man it doesn’t make sense…

  2. Peter Levine

    I’m sorry–it was confusing of me to call this a “quiz.” I was simply annoyed at the implication that “monsters” normally have dark skin and brown eyes. (This is an article about vicious killers, and they are perfectly likely to have blue eyes and light skin.)

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