the Hatch/Wyden bill


Senate has passed a bill that would represent a very important experiment in

public deliberation. It is the Wyden-Hatch

bill, now section 620 of S. 1, the Prescription Drug and Medicare Improvement

Act of 2003. If this provision survives the rest of the legislative process, it

will "provide for a nationwide public debate about improving the health care

system to provide every American with the ability to obtain quality, affordable

health care coverage; and …. provide for a vote by Congress on the recommendations

that result from the debate."

A large and diverse commission of stakeholders,

experts, and citizens would be appointed that would hold hearings; issue a public

"Health Report to the American People"; hold facilitated public deliberations

across the country (based on the Report); and then generate final recommendations.

The President would be required to comment formally on the results, and Congress

would have to hold formal hearings. The bill embodies the most advanced thinking

about how to organize public deliberations, and it would be a wonderful showcase.