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More on the Civic Studies major at Tufts is here.
Required Introductory Course:
- CVS 0020/PHIL 0020/PS 0020: Introduction to Civic Studies (Erin Kelly, Peter Levine)
Thinking about Justice:
- ANTH 140: Food Justice: Fair Food Activism and Social Movements (Alex Blanchette)
- CVS 190/PHIL 192: Seminar: Political Philosophy of MLK, Jr
- ECON 62: Economics of International Migration (Anna Hardman)
- ENG 160 : Environmental Justice and World Literature (Ammons)
- HIST 10: Colonialism in Global Perspective (Kris Manjapra)
- MUSIC 132: Music and Ethics (Melinda Latour)
- PHIL 195: Contemporary Political Philosophy (Lionel McPherson)
- PHIL 25: Food Ethics (Sigrun Svavarsdottir)
- PHIL 28: Feminist Philosophy (staff)
- PS 151: Seminar: The Political Philosophy of Hobbes (Ioannis Evrigenis)
- REL 08: Law, Religion and International Relations (Joseph Walser)
- SOC 103-01: Sociological Theory (Freeden Blume Oeur)
- SOC 94: Health, Policy, and Inequality (Brett Nava-Coulter)
Social Conflict, Inequality, and Violence:
- CH 0188: Health and Human Rights (Fernando Ona)
- HIST 173: Black and Native New England (Kendra Field and Kerri Greenidge)
- PS 108: Public Opinion and U.S. Democracy (Brian Schaffner)
- PS 138: Democracy and Its Alternatives (David Art)
- PSY 13: Social Psychology (Keith Maddox)
- SOC 113: Urban Sociology: Global Perspectives on Space, Inequality and Resistance (Anjuli Fahlberg)
- SOC 120 Sociology of War and Peace (Paul Joseph)
- SOC 181 Seminar: War/Peace/State/Society (Paul Joseph)
- SOC 188 Seminar: Intimate Violence (Anjuli Fahlberg)
Civic Action and Social Movements:
- CSHD 0034: Children, Nature, & the Ecology Movement (George Scarlett)
- EC 117: Economics of Social Interactions and Social Networks (Yannis M. Ioannides)
- FMS 22: Media Literacy (Julie Dobrow)
- MUS 197: Social Justice, Advocacy and Music (Jeffrey A. Summit)
- PS 108: Public Opinion and U.S. Democracy (Brian Schaffner)
- PS 113: Nonprofits and Civil Society (Jeffrey Berry)
- PS 118-02: Organizing for Social Change (Daniel LeBlanc & Ken Galdston)
- PS 188-05: The Howard School of International Affairs (Pearl Robinson)
- SOC 106: Political Sociology (Anjuli Fahlberg)
- SOC 111: Making Social Change Happen (Margaret McGladrey)
- SOC 113: Urban Sociology: Global Perspectives on Space, Inequality and Resistance (Anjuli Fahlberg)
- UEP 278: Environmental Justice, Security, and Sustainability (Penn Loh)
Civic Skills:
- ANTH 133: Anthropology of Journalism (Amahl Bishara)
- CH 0188: Health and Human Rights (Fernando Ona)
- CHEM 0094: Science and the Human Experience (Jonathan Garlick)
- CSHD 004: Topics in Child Development: Identity, Community, and Voice (Jayanthi Mistry)
- ED15: Social-Emotional & Civic Learning in Schools (Deborah Donahue-Keegan)
- EE194 / ELS 109: Creating Children’s Media (Julie Dobrow)
- ELS 109: Societal Aspects of Design: Integration, Innovation, and Impact (Ron Lasser)
- ENG 311: Tufts 1+4 Foundation: Communicating for Change (Grace Talusan)
- ENV 120: Introduction to Environmental Fieldwork (John de la Parra)
- ENV 150: Environment, Communication, and Culture (Ninian Stein)
- ENV 152: Seminar in Environmental Negotiations (Ninian Stein)
- ExCollege: The President Has Tweeted: Official Government Communications in the Age of Trump (Nanda Chitre)
- PHIL 24: Introduction to Ethics (Monica Link)
- PS: Massachusetts State House Internships – Learning While Doing (State Sen. Ben Downing)
- TBD: Project Citizen: Promoting Civic Engagement (Sherri Sklarwitz)
- UEP 293-02: Community Practice Theory and Methods (Penn Loh)
- UEP 294-02: Communications and Media for Policy and Planning (Penn Loh)
- UEP 294: Teaching Democracy (Penn Loh)
- WGSS 0185/AMER 0094: Mass Incarceration and the Literature of Confinement (Hilary Binda)
Internship Seminar:
- CVS 099: A required internship. This includes a weekly 2.5 hour class with graded assignments and a final project.
Capstone Seminar:
- CVS 190/PHIL 192: Seminar: Political Philosophy of MLK, Jr.