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(Bloomington, IN) This video shows former White House Domestic Policy Council director John Bridgeland, Federal Reserve Governor Sarah Bloom Raskin, Knight Foundation Vice President Paula Ellis, Corporation for National and Community Service CEO Wendy Spencer, and me discussing the new report Civic Health and Unemployment II: The Case Builds. This was at the National Conference on Citizenship in Philadelphia on Sept. 14. Wendy Spencer says:
I just had an epiphany listening to Kei [Kawashima-Ginsberg, CIRCLE’s lead researcher] talk, while I was sitting there, about what I would like to do if I had a magic wand. I would take this report, tonight, and send out couriers to read it aloud to every mayor in America, aloud for emphasis. Because if I am I mayor, and I am looking at this, I’m thinking: OK, this actually is going to help my community strengthen.