gun owners against civic ed

Yesterday, I reported on the progress of HR

1078, the bill written by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) that would

fund summer programs for civics teachers. Gun

Owners of America opposes the bill on the amazing grounds

that it is "anti-gun." They are asking their members

to send the following form letter to Congress:

Dear Representative ________________,

If H.R. 1078 is enacted, educators will be encouraged to teach

that I do not have an individual right to keep and bear arms. It

will establish Presidential Academies on teaching civics and history

which will use anti-gun texts like We the People — the

textbook that conforms to the federal guidelines on teaching civics

and history.

This book encourages students to start questioning the

wisdom of the Second Amendment, asking the student whether the right

to keep and bear arms is still as "important today" as

it was in the eighteenth century and to decide what "limitations"

should be placed on the right. This kind of discussion treats the

Second Amendment as though it were not protecting a God-given, individual


But the individual rights view is exactly what our Founders intended

and what the American public still believes today. An ABC News Poll

in 2002 found that almost three-fourths of all Americans believe

that the Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the

rights of "individuals" to own guns.

We already have too much Federal involvement in education, and

the results have not been good. As control over education becomes

more and more federalized, it seems that the ideas which children

are learning become more and more radical. Please vote against H.R.

1078, a bill which is decidedly anti-gun.

The We the People

curriculum and textbook are widely supported by conservatives

(as well as liberals) because they provide rigorous and balanced materials

on American institutions. This letter reflects a fear of open and

balanced discussion that should be deeply embarrassing to all proponents

of the Second Amendment and of freedom. I would hope that some would

come to the defense of We the People.

PS. The

Maple River Education Coalition says that HR 1078 "is in

clear violation of the 10th amendment to the U.S. Constitution."

(This is a bill, remember, that provides very modest federal support

for voluntary summer classes for teachers. It’s also a bill that invites

students to read and debate the 10th Amendment, which might cause

some to gain appreciation for states’ rights.)