legacy preferences

At a seminar today, some colleagues and I discussed Senator John Edwards’


to eliminate the preference for "legacies" (children

of alumni) in college admissions. Some people are saying that legacy preferences

are on the same footing with affirmative action for racial minorities

and women. If we ban affirmative action as a form of discrimination that

undermines meritocracy, we should ban legacy admissions as well. If we

keep one, we may (or must) keep the other. A third problematic policy

is the preference that public universities often give to in-state students.

Isn’t it discriminatory for UC Berkeley to prefer Californians?

(It is worth noting that being denied admission to Harvard because one’s

place went to a "legacy" is not a tragedy—there are many

other fine schools. Being denied admission or financial aid at Michigan

because one lives in Kentucky is at least as unfair.)

I think this issue is fairly complicated. First, there are practical

considerations. Presumably a policy banning legacy preferences would cause

at least some rich alumni to curtail their contributions, thus removing

some financial support from scholarship and education. Likewise, a policy

banning in-state preferences could lead states to withdraw support from

their own colleges. However, either or both of these fears might turn

out to be unwarranted.

If one justifies legacy preferences mainly on practical, economic grounds,

then it doesn’t make sense to prefer the children of alumni who have never

contributed anything to a college. Yet most colleges deny that they prefer

donors’ children; that would be too crass. Implicitly, their argument

seems to rest on freedom of association and the value of preserving their

membership as a community over time.

Private universities probably have a right as associations to prefer

their own members (alumni, staff, and current students). That doesn’t

make a legacy policy morally admirable, however. It certainly has the

disadvantage of preserving a heriditary elite and undermining meritocratic

competition. Thus we might want to use the leverage of federal funding

to discourage such preferences. On the other hand, maybe it is admirable

to build community bonds within private associations. In that case, is

it equally acceptable for states to treat themselves as exclusive communities

that prefer their own citizens? Should federal policy allow or discourage
