
To bleg is to beg on your blog, your blog.
A blog made of movies: a vlog.
To twitter’s to text folks your latest post;
A flog is a blog by a corporate ghost.
A blath is on math; a blawg covers law;
A troll will pounce on your teeniest flaw.
An attorney whose mind is a fog
Should post his bleg on a blawg web log.
To clog a blog, you jam it with spam:
Just ping that thing a link to your scam.
The blogosphere, it’s got it all:
Rolls and blolls and folderol.
Post anything on yours–it’s fine;
Just don’t forget to link to mine.
Quotes and lies, it all is free;
Just don’t forget to link to me.

(If you think I made any of this up, click here.)