civic blogs

(In Cambridge) I’ve been blogging since early in ’03, and I didn’t used to have much company in the civic field. But I’m very happy to say that there are now several active and well-established civic blogs:

Cindy Gibson’s CitizenPost consists of provocative mini-essays (with apt illustrations).

The Study Circles Resource Center has Democracy Space, with regular news and analysis.

The Center for Democracy and Citizenship at the University of Minnesota has unveiled its new By the People blog, mostly devoted to the Center’s own civic activity.

Mike Weiksner’s Connected Conversations bridges technology, deliberation, and civic engagement.

The Democracy Movement is a group blog devoted to public deliberation and related topics, with good mini-essays.

Smart Communities is Suzanne Morse’s very substantive blog, based mainly on her important projects that get citizens involved in addressing crucial issues.

Redeeming Hope presents Rich Harwood’s thoughtful reflections on current issues from a civic perspective.

And coming soon: the blog.

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