sites for youth discussion and debate

Several ambitious websites try to give young Americans a voice in politics and policy:

  • The Youth Policy Action Center is an elaborate site that supports discussion of issues, provides links to opportunities for voting and volunteering, puts people in touch with like-minded peers, and shows off youth-produced videos and other media. It’s a product of about 80 leading youth-oriented organizations.
  • The Association of Young Americans is an “AARP for youth,” an idea that I floated in an earlier post. The AYP website provides issue briefs, mostly on economic matters of special relevance to the younger generations of Americans, and forums for discussion.
  • The Constitutional Rights Foundation–a group that I work with fairly often–has launched CRF Forum: For Youth, by Youth. Again, there is a discussion forum, a set of issue briefs, and opportunities to become involved. CRF is also running a photo contest. It’s great to organize contests for young media-creators, because their lack of audience is a big problem.
  • WireTap is part of the AlterNet network, and it dates back to 1998. Its large audience consists of young (18-25) progressives. Its website provides blogs, news stories, and columns–often on economic issues like the prices of textbooks.