a commons taxonomy

A commons (or, as the Brits say, “a common”) is a shared

resource. Some common resources are made by the group that shares them; others

are found in nature.* Meanwhile, resources can be shared in a variety of ways.

In a libertarian commons, no one owns the assets at all; since there are no

property rights, everyone shares. In a communitarian commons, a tight group

of people owns a resource jointly. Membership may come as a birthright, as in

peasant villages. Members can’t sell or trade their rights. Some such communities

are very stable and efficient because there are thick bonds of trust and obligation

within the group. In a voluntary/associational commons, membership is a matter

of choice. One can join and quit at will (although joining may be subject to

the group’s approval). Whether it’s an informal network or a registered 501(c)3,

the association jointly owns certain assets. But associations differ from corporations

in that ownership is not divisible, proportional to investment, or purchasable.

If you quit the association, you simply renounce your stake. Finally, in a democratic

commons, the government owns and manages assets and holds them in public trust.

Combining the “made”/”found” distinction with the type of governance yields

the following taxonomy:

  “found” “made”
libertarian the oceans, the ozone layer; works of art from the past that are now in

the public domain

the Internet; open-source software; science, when it reflects R.K. Merton’s

CUDOS norms

communitarian coastal fishing villages and other communities that subsist on natural

resources; very conservative religious communities

rural communities that create and share common pool resources, such as

Alpine meadows and water districts; public spaces that belong to tight communities rather than

democratic states

voluntary/associational preservationist organizations that are stewards of some natural or cultural


clubs, religious congregations, political parties
democratic oil reserves, national forests public spaces such as squares and museums; laws, legislative bodies


All of these forms have advantages and disadvantages. However, I am especially

enthusiastic about voluntary/associational commons that make goods. They are

the heart of Tocquevillian civil society, in my view. Communitarian commons

are too restrictive–and libertarian commons, too fragile–for my taste. In a

lot of my scholarly and practical work, I’m trying to give the libertarian commons

known as the Internet more of an associational feel.

*The “made”/”found” distinction

is really a matter of degree and can certainly be debated in particular cases.

Simon Schama, in Landscape and Memory, argues that almost all “natural” landscapes

have actually been deeply influenced by people.

2 thoughts on “a commons taxonomy

  1. Michael Weiksner

    Interesting framework. Can you explain a little bit more about why your are optmistic about the “made” voluntary/assoc. commons on the Internet?

    I agree based on my gut feelings, but I’d love to have a little more analytical ammo to support it.

  2. PW

    Not just Schama (favorite book) but most conservationists/environmental restoration people who find it difficult to set a point in time when the land was at its “most natural.”

    As for the “made” parts of “democratic” which depend so heavily on the public trust, it’s interesting that the trust has been threatened lately. Whether this is a natural process or one which has been deliberately stirred up by the fans of corporatism and the ownership society, I don’t know.

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