websites that calculate ideology

In response to yesterday’s post about websites that will calculate

your ideology for you, Nels Lindahl

emailed me about a site called The

Political Compass. This is the most sophisticated and thoughtful

example of the genre, in my opinion. One of its great virtues is its

two-dimensional understanding of ideology, which is much better than

a simple left-right scale. I took the quiz and came out as a moderately

leftist social libertarian, similar to Nelson Mandela and the Dalai

Lama. I’m happy to accept that score.

One thought on “websites that calculate ideology

  1. Peter Levine

    See also the excellent American Choices site (, which can determine your views of foreign policy. It’s a sophisticated instrument developed by E-The People in connection with the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, and PBS’s “By the People” project.

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