Dean and the working class

In JFK Airport, en route to Salt Lake City: Two decisions regarding

the Dean presidential campaign appear imminent. Gov.

Dean is likely to refuse federal funding (thus gaining the freedom to

spend unlimited private money); and he is expected to receive the endorsement

of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU, pronounced "see

you"). These events are symptomatic of the collapse of a set of

institutions that, 20 years ago, amplified the political voice of ordinary

people. In those days, federal funding for presidential campaigns was

adequate to replace private money, so there were no big donors in presidential

politics. Everyone counted the same under the presidential campaign

finance system. As for major unions, they had a powerful influence on

the institutional Democratic party and supported candidates with whom

they had lasting relationships—politicians who had risen through

the political ranks mainly because of organized labor. Today, SEIU evidently

thinks that it cannot afford to support the man who best fits that description,

Dick Gephardt, because his chances of winning the presidency are too

low. Instead, they are backing someone who owes them nothing, who has

never had much to do with them, but who has harnessed mostly white-collar

support through clever use of the Internet and a strong anti-War stance.

Evidently, they think Gov. Dean has the best chance of winning and they

want to have some leverage over him.

Two immediate results are likely: the demise of the whole public financing

system (since neither party will use it), and the defeat of Rep. Gephardt,

who is now blocked from receiving the AFL-CIO’s collective endorsement.

Many people believe that the Dean campaign represents a new form of

citizen influence. But we have to ask whom this new system

benefits. Dean supporters have a political ideology and an identity

as active citizens. Polls show that most Americans lack both of these

characteristics. Dean supporters also have the means to contribute to

his campaign, and they are early adapters of the latest technologies

(blogs and this year; something else in 2008). In contrast,

unions like SEIU traditionally gave people political ideologies

and identities, collected modest dues to produce substantial political

donations, and used tools (such as phone banks) that were familiar to

blue-collar workers. I don’t hold Gov. Dean’s success against him, but

I think it spells deep trouble for working-class politics in
