youth media


good friends at the Center for Media Education

sent me a list of youth-led civic projects that use the Internet. Here

are a few great examples from their list:

  • Teen

    Consumer Scrapbook (Sponsored by the Washington State Attorney General’s Office)

  • Flint Profiles

    ("By teaching information access and computer technology as tools for change,

    this project aims to empower high school students to succeed as decision makers

    who influence community leaders to respond to their ideas for change. Through

    this project, young activists will learn to put their passion into action.")

  • Harlem

    Live (Mission: "To empower a diverse group of youth towards leadership

    using experience and exposure to media and technology. … HarlemLive is award

    winning, critically acclaimed web magazine produced by teens from throughout New

    York City".)

  • Street

    Level ("Street-Level Youth Media educates Chicago’s inner-city youth

    in media
    arts and emerging technologies for use in self-expression communication,

    and social change.")

  • Wire Tap

    ("WireTap is the independent information source by and for socially conscious

    youth. We showcase investigative news articles, personal essays and opinions,

    artwork and activism resources that challenge stereotypes, inspire creativity,

    foster dialogue and give young people a voice in the media.")