Agreement Word Make Sentence

Agreement Words Make Sentences: The Importance of Subject-Verb Agreement in Writing

As a writer, one of the essential skills you need to have is the ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. Understanding the rules of subject-verb agreement is crucial in creating clear and concise sentences. Agreement words make sentences coherent and more understandable, keeping your writing professional and polished.

What is subject-verb agreement?

Subject-verb agreement is a grammatical rule that states that the subject of a sentence must agree with the verb in number and person. For example, singular subjects require singular verbs, while plural subjects require plural verbs. This rule is easy to understand in simple sentences like “He walks to the store” where “he” is a singular subject, and “walks” is a singular verb. But, it can become more complicated when dealing with more complex sentences.

Why is subject-verb agreement important?

Subject-verb agreement is crucial in ensuring that your writing is clear and easy to read. If you fail to follow this rule, it may cause confusion and misunderstandings for your readers. It can also affect the overall quality and credibility of your writing. Poor grammar can detract from the message you are trying to convey, leading your audience to question your expertise in your field of work.

How to ensure subject-verb agreement in your writing

To ensure subject-verb agreement, you need to pay close attention to the number and person of your subject and verb. For example, “The dogs bark” is correct, while “The dogs barks” is incorrect because the singular verb “barks” does not agree with the plural subject “dogs.” Likewise, “She run to the car” is incorrect, while “She runs to the car” is correct because the singular verb “runs” agrees with the singular subject “she.”

You should also pay attention to the tense of your sentences. Ensure that your verb tense matches your subject and that you maintain consistency throughout your writing. For example, “I am watching TV” is present tense, while “I watched TV” is past tense. Mixing tenses in a sentence can lead to confusion and make your writing less professional.

In conclusion, agreement words make sentences coherent and understandable to your readers. Understanding subject-verb agreement is essential when writing, regardless of your field of work or type of writing. Keep these rules in mind as you write and make use of grammar tools to ensure that your writing is clear, concise, and professional.