Distinguish between Void Agreement and Illegal Agreement

As a copy editor with experience in search engine optimization (SEO), it`s important to know how to write informative articles that rank well in search results. One topic that may be of interest to readers is the difference between void agreements and illegal agreements. Understanding the distinction between these two types of agreements can help individuals protect their rights and avoid legal trouble.

Void Agreements

A void agreement is an agreement that is not enforceable by law. Simply put, it is invalid from the beginning. A void agreement has no legal effect, and neither party can enforce it. There are several reasons why an agreement might be void, including:

1. Agreement by incompetent parties: If one or both parties are not legally competent to enter into an agreement, it is void. For example, an agreement between a minor and an adult may be void.

2. Agreement with unlawful consideration or object: If the consideration (i.e., the promise or exchange) or the object of the agreement is illegal, immoral, or against public policy, the agreement is void.

3. Agreement without free consent: If one or both parties enter into the agreement without free consent, the agreement is void. For example, if one party uses undue influence or coercion to get the other party to agree, the agreement is void.

4. Agreement based on uncertain terms: If the terms of the agreement are too vague or uncertain to be enforceable, the agreement is void.

Illegal Agreements

An illegal agreement, on the other hand, is an agreement that is against the law. It is a contract that involves an illegal act. An illegal agreement is not only void, but it is also punishable by law. Some examples of illegal agreements include:

1. Agreements to commit a crime: Any agreement to commit a crime, such as theft or fraud, is illegal.

2. Agreements to defraud: Any agreement to deceive or defraud someone, such as a Ponzi scheme, is illegal.

3. Agreements that violate public policy: Any agreement that goes against public policy, such as an agreement to bribe a public official, is illegal.

4. Agreements in restraint of trade: Any agreement that restricts competition, such as a price-fixing agreement, is illegal.

It`s important to note that an illegal agreement is not the same as an agreement that is void due to the lack of capacity or consent. Although both types of agreements are unenforceable, only illegal agreements are punishable by law.


In conclusion, distinguishing between void agreements and illegal agreements is crucial for protecting one`s legal rights. A void agreement is invalid from the beginning due to factors such as lack of legal competence or unlawful consideration, whereas an illegal agreement involves an illegal act such as fraud or restraint of trade. By understanding these distinctions, individuals can avoid entering into agreements that may be unenforceable or even punishable by law.