symposium on issues raised by Big Data

Wednesday, November 8th 2017, 9AM – 5PM
Breed Memorial Hall • 51 Winthrop Street • Medford, MA 02155

Keynote Presentations • Panel Discussions • Poster Sessions

As Tufts seeks to develop a University-wide, interdisciplinary center dedicat­ed to data-intensive research and pedagogy, studying the science of data and its uses in application domains that span the breadth of the university, we are happy to announce the upcoming Fall’s DISC symposium. We encour­age you to visit the DISC website for more information on the purpose and goals of this University-wide initiative.

For updates to the Program: Fall DISC Symposium
For RSVP Details:
Contact me if you have a poster idea!


Welcome Remarks
Anthony Monaco, President at Tufts University

Session I: City and Urban Planning

AnnaLee Saxenian – Dean of the School of Information at UC Berkeley

Panel Discussion
Herbert Dreiseitl, Justin Hollander, David Mendonca, Adam Storeygard

Session II: Ethical Use of Data

David Lazer – Professor of Political Science and Computer and Information Science at Northeastern University & Co-director at NuLab

Panel Discussion
Chaitanya Baru, Matthias Scheutz, Nick Seaver

Lunch and Poster Session

Session III: Privacy and Security

Jeannette Wing – Avanessians Director of the Data Sciences Institute & Pro­fessor of Computer Science at Columbia University

Panel Discussion
Kathleen Fisher, Erin Kenneally, Alex “Sandy” Pentland

Session IV: Data Science and Computational Science in Healthcare

Henry Kautz – Founding  Director at Institute for Data Science & Professor of Computer Science at University of Rochester

Panel Discussion
Frank Alexander, Harry Selker, Jerry Sheehan, Harry Sleeper

Session V: Data Science and Computational Science in Biology

Peter Coveney – Professor of Computer Science & Director of the Centre for Computational Science and the Computational Life and Medical Sciences Net­work at University College London

Panel Discussion
Christoph Börgers, Diego Martinez, Grace Peng, Donna Slonim

Reception and Poster Session

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About Peter

Associate Dean for Research and the Lincoln Filene Professor of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Tufts University's Tisch College of Civic Life. Concerned about civic education, civic engagement, and democratic reform in the United States and elsewhere.